I have to agree. As a mid-20s cattle raising individual, I never went a year in 4-H where I didn't have tears in my eyes as I put my steer on the trailer when the fair was over with. It always felt like the end of a chapter that I had spent a year of my life in. No matter that I had done it before and I knew with the purchase of every steer as a feeder calf that the day would eventually come, it doesn't make it any easier.
As for the cows, we had to part ways with our PB Angus cow that had spent 12 years on our farm a few months ago. She was always a big eater, and loved eating our leftovers from the fridge and melon rinds we threw out in the summertime. She was definitely the "in-charge" cow in our herd, but was so special. Never chased us when she had a calf that needed tagged and vaccinated. Always a kind soul, and never got crazy with us. A few tears were shed when we had to take her to Producers. Then not too long ago, one of my PB Maine cows got sick. She got skinny, and went downhill quck. My dad knew I wouldn't be able to take her to producers, as she and I had an inseparable bond from our years spent together and our shows we attended. We shared ice cream cones, she loved wafer cookies, and she was always the first one at the gate when I needed to just spend time in the barn. We had her humanely euthanized, and she is buried on the edge of our property near the pasture. I miss her like crazy. Darn...cattle sure are like pets to some of us.