aj said:
How is the Timeline bull coming along. I see he has 5 calves registered with the American Shorthorn Assn. What is the canadian assn web site? Are anymore shares going to be offered on him?
aj, Timeline is doing great. For the past two months he has been walking with one of the best sets of Shorthorn cows in Western Canada, at Lyle Bignell's Buffalo Lake herd, at Stettler, AB Lyle is an outstanding cattleman and he is presently in his second term as President of the Canadian Charolais Association. Lyle was one of the first to get a syndicate share in Timeline, but this is his first time using him as he lost his semen when a tank when dry last year. Lyle and his dad run about 100 Shorthorn, 100 Charolais and 200 commercial cows and it is one of the best run outfits you will find anywhere. If you are ever in Central Alberta, I would recommend you stop at the Bignell's for a visit. They are great people and have great cattle.
The owners who used him last year, report a 100% unassisted calf crop again this year, and so far out of two calf crops, there has only been one assisted birth, that being from a heifer, and it was an easy pull.I do wish there was a pile of dead calves and crippled cows to report, so you could say " I told You so!!" but that is not the case. All calves have also been polled. Some Timeline sons were the top gaining pen over all breeds at a multi breed test in Alberta. They all had BWs of 90 lbs or less.Personally, I have only had two Timeline calves myself, but that is about to change. I have already implanted 11 Timeline embryos and will be adding some more in the coming weeks. Our only Timeline bull sold for $4850 in our bull sale. He sold to a commercial man who is just raving about this bull. Another commercial producer with 800 cows, has contacted me since the sale, and told me that if I can produce more bulls like this one, he will definitely be interested in purchasing several of them. This commercial producer runs a reputation no nonsense cow herd, and he is well respected in the beef industry, and he said he has been looking for Shorthorn bulls like this for many years. I have flushed 3 donors to Timeline so far this year, and plan to flush at least 5 more to him. You may find this hard to believe aj, but I have already had inquiries about Timeline embryos from 4 countries this spring.
So, Timeline is doing great. There is one share available, as one of the syndicate partners passed away and his widow has sold her cows. So if you are interested in this share aj, PM me and we can discuss this further. For you I will make you a special deal!!!