This is part of the problemin the world! No common sense! N/C

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
$2M Michigan lottery winner defends use of food stamps


By Detroit News– Wed May 18, 1:27 pm ET

Ron French, Detroit News staff writer

A Michigan man who won $2 million in a state lottery game continues to collect food stamps 11 months after striking it rich.

And there's nothing the state can do about it, at least for now.

Leroy Fick, 59, of Auburn won $2 million in the state lottery TV show "Make Me Rich!" last June. But the state's Department of Human Services determined he was still eligible for food stamps, Fick's attorney, John Wilson of Midland, said Tuesday.

Eligibility for food stamps is based on gross income and follows federal guidelines; lottery winnings are considered liquid assets and don't count as income. As long as Fick's gross income stays below the eligibility requirement for food stamps, he can receive them, even if he has a million dollars in the bank.

Food stamps are paid for through tax dollars and are meant to help support low-income families.

"If you're going to try to make me feel bad, you're not going to do it," Fick told WNEM-TV in Saginaw on Monday.

Wilson said Fick told the DHS officials he'd won $2 million but was told he could keep using the Bridge Card issued to him to buy groceries.

Fick could not be reached for comment Tuesday.

Al Kimichik, director of the office of inspector general for DHS, said the department could not comment on individual cases but that it this week began the process of requesting a waiver from the federal government to close the lottery loophole. If it is granted, assets would be counted in determining food stamp eligibility.

Though the food stamp program is federal and states must follow U.S. guidelines, states sometimes request waivers of rules. Michigan was granted a waiver recently to stop college students from qualifying for food stamps.

"For Leroy Fick to continue to use a Bridge Card, paid for by the taxpayers, after winning the lottery, is obscene," said Sen. Rick Jones, R-Grand Ledge. "What a waste of taxpayer money."

Jones contacted DHS officials Monday about Fick's case, and was told the department's hands were tied by federal regulations.

"There is no liquid asset requirement for getting food stamps," Jones said. "The department is asking the federal government for an immediate change (in policy). They're hoping this case will help the federal government act."

Until then, Fick can collect food stamps and keep his lottery winnings in the bank.

"I am not going to sit and debate the ethics of this," Wilson said. "But from his standpoint, he did what he was supposed to do -- he informed the state, and the state said he could keep using the card. The problem is with the state."


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2009
The last statement is RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The problem is NOT with the state or the program(neither of which I agree with) but the root of the problem is with the human being who thinks it is okay to abuse the system and still use the food stamp card.  He is a pathetic indivdual who is taking away from people who could really use it.  Sad, sad, sad....


Well-known member
May 1, 2007
hmmm ... Ex union automobile worker more then likely found a lottery ticket in the streets. ... please visit for more details... or go to and if you have time visit this site.... www.

good post doc, I see this trash on a daily basis.... payed my taxes this year, working too hard as a farmer I guess.


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2009
Boy, stuff like this sure make a person glad they pay taxes so the government can continue spending it stupidly.  The last time I was at the grocery store and the person in front of me was using food stamps to buy bottled water about put me over the top. 


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
That dude is a idiot. A greedy one at that. A fine example of the attitude that permiates our society. Anybody else want to knock his teeth out? I am game.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
rick snyder / the govenor of a if theres fingers to be pointed in the " running of michigans governement, and the distribution of entitlements " of this state ...its just another  hypicritical example of the pot calling the kettle black....monetary advantages for the rich are what this republican govenor  is obvisouly about....just like the rest of the nations  republican govenors.......protect the rich....and distribute the debt to the middle class.....
"no common sense"....jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
rick snyder / the govenor of a if theres fingers to be pointed in the " running of michigans governement, and the distribution of entitlements " of this state ...its just another  hypicritical example of the pot calling the kettle black....monetary advantages for the rich are what this republican govenor  is obvisouly about....just like the rest of the nations  republican govenors.......protect the rich....and distribute the debt to the middle class.....
"no common sense"....jbarl

so will a democrat governor expand or contract the program.  who wrote the program, who passed it.  even if the current governor wanted to get rid of the program, imagine the response from people like you.  the union label.  a recipe for buggy whips.  seems like you are a hypocrite as well!


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
Emporia, Kansas
You are right, no common sense any more at the local, state, or national level.  I can't tell you how many local govt decisions that leave you scratching your head and yes I do vote, it just seems they act a lot different when they get into office.

I wonder if the interest he made would be considered income and thus he would not qualify.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Rhome, TX
The problem really comes down to our society in general.  It may be a flawed policy, but it is the person that is making the concious decision to take advantage of it.  Back in the early years of America, there was no government to assist the needy and sick, and no government to provide services that were deemed "not profitable" to business.  Back then we had neighbors taking care of neighbors, and instead of paying taxes to a government, they paid or gave their money and time to those who needed it most.  But American doesn't function that way anymore.  

I am sure this same person that still uses food stamps does not give his money to charities.  He is just hoarding it to buy things that will make him happy.  It used to be the function of a church to use peoples charity to help people in need, but even they are more into building huge million dollar mega-churches, and hiding from taxes as a "non-profit" organization. It is not the government fault that he is using food stamps, it is the greed of society that chooses to create the loop-holes, and the greed of society to take advantage of them.  Rich or Poor.

I'd like to say I'm not, but I am guilty, just like the rest of you.



Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
JbarL said:
rick snyder / the govenor of a if theres fingers to be pointed in the " running of michigans governement, and the distribution of entitlements " of this state ...its just another  hypicritical example of the pot calling the kettle black....monetary advantages for the rich are what this republican govenor  is obvisouly about....just like the rest of the nations  republican govenors.......protect the rich....and distribute the debt to the middle class.....
"no common sense"....jbarl

How can this be 1 guys fault? I don't care if he is a Rep. or Dem. , there are a lot of other people involved in this process. This is like a couple of years ago when Dem's said the high gas prices were  Bushs' fault, but they sure aren't saying the same thing about Obama when it's just as bad. People that are worthless are going to know how to work the system . Me , personally I never would have been smart enough ( I geuss thats what you call it) to know that you could continue to collect food stamps with $2 mil to your name. Just like there are a lot of people I'm sure that both parents are working at an average job with 2 or 3 kids & could use the food stamps to help out , but make just a hair to much money to qualify but in real world situation they really don't.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
JbarL said:
rick snyder / the govenor of a if theres fingers to be pointed in the " running of michigans governement, and the distribution of entitlements " of this state ...its just another  hypicritical example of the pot calling the kettle black....monetary advantages for the rich are what this republican govenor  is obvisouly about....just like the rest of the nations  republican govenors.......protect the rich....and distribute the debt to the middle class.....
"no common sense"....jbarl

so will a democrat governor expand or contract the program.  who wrote the program, who passed it.  even if the current governor wanted to get rid of the program, imagine the response from people like you.  the union label.  a recipe for buggy whips.  seems like you are a hypocrite as well!

hypotheticas once again....
reality is... the republicans of michigan  own it....since when did the governor of michigan care what a democrate thought, or was worried about they're response on anything??...the american people are about ready to find out what the republican party is all about....they are seeing it now as the republican presidential hopefuls line up to cut each other apart...why are there so many presidential hopefuls anyway??...what are they disagreeing about??.....why have so many already dropped out?? they have "any" common denominators as a national political party at all?? we watch and listen to the 10 or 12 republican presidential hopefuls, play close attention to whats "not" being said....same ole "save the rich" policies wrapped in  a big national debt sob story....jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
.the american people are about ready to find out what the republican party is all about....they are seeing it now as the republican presidential hopefuls line up to cut each other apart...why are there so many presidential hopefuls anyway??...what are they disagreeing about??.....why have so many already dropped out?? they have "any" common denominators as a national political party at all?? we watch and listen to the 10 or 12 republican presidential hopefuls, play close attention to whats "not" being said....same ole "save the rich" policies wrapped in  a big national debt sob story....jbarl

so i guess there was no democrat primary last time and you are just quibbling about the number of hopefuls and there are 0 democrat hopefuls for president?

following your logic, obama should be president for life and  a larger and larger portion of the voters should pay no federal income tax and get more and more food stamps.

when you start voting for other peoples stuff, when do we get yours?


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2009
Syracuse, IN
hypotheticas once again....
reality is... the republicans of michigan  own it....since when did the governor of michigan care what a democrate thought, or was worried about they're response on anything??...the american people are about ready to find out what the republican party is all about....they are seeing it now as the republican presidential hopefuls line up to cut each other apart...why are there so many presidential hopefuls anyway??...what are they disagreeing about??.....why have so many already dropped out?? they have "any" common denominators as a national political party at all?? we watch and listen to the 10 or 12 republican presidential hopefuls, play close attention to whats "not" being said....same ole "save the rich" policies wrapped in  a big national debt sob story....jbarl

The republican governor has been in office  5 MONTHS. There was a democratic governor in office for the 8 YEARS before that. and republican hopefuls cutting each other down? You're absolutely right, Hillary and Obama were super nice to each other during the 08 democrat primaries, didn't smear each other at all.... 


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
trevorgreycattleco said:
That dude is a idiot. A greedy one at that. A fine example of the attitude that permiates our society. Anybody else want to knock his teeth out? I am game.

Don't do that-- he'd likely qualify for disability then, and we'd be giving him more money!!


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
I am in full agreement that common sense is an endangered virtue. I also see this basically on a daily basis, and I have to wonder when our countries will ( if ever) come to the realization that some good old common sense is essential in not only our law making, but the general health and welfare of our societies. If one were to start pointing fingers at who is responsible for these types of stupid laws, they would be pointing for a long time.

I believe strongly, that major reform is required in both Canada and the US, or our societies will continue to suffer. I recently read a statement that put me into a state of almost depression for a few days. This statement was made by a University President who was giving a speach on the role changes in our societies in the past 3 decades. He said that, in Canada and the USA, there are more people working in government, than there are in all manufacturing, mining, energy, agriculture, and production and processing of food combined. He said that this major shift has resulted in our countries becoming nations of "takers" rather than " makers". I have no doubt that this is a true statement and to me, it is so wrong on so many levels that I hardly know where to begin. No nation can remain strong when the majority live of the sweat of a few. I hope and pray that some of our leaders will eventually take a stand and say"enough is enough". Unfortunately, I can't see this happening because it would be extremely unpopular.. but IMO, it has to happen. If it doesn't I fear for the future of our nations. I am normally a most positive person, but this topic really gets to me.

Stories like this one, are so commonplace today, that we are becoming immune to them and we are mildly shocked while we read them and then we forget about them again. And in the meantime, our government bureaucrasy has grown even more as I have been typing this!


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
Emporia, Kansas
SlickTxMaine said:
trevorgreycattleco said:
That dude is a idiot. A greedy one at that. A fine example of the attitude that permiates our society. Anybody else want to knock his teeth out? I am game.

Don't do that-- he'd likely qualify for disability then, and we'd be giving him more money!!

Exactly, couple that with the 6 figure settlement that he would get from suing you after doing the world a favor.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2007
Carthage MO
This guy is just milking the system just like many others out there.  It is sad that our society has become what it has .  ME ME ME.  I will not sacrifice for the greater good that is the other persons responsiblity.

Did anyone watch the segment on Fox this week with Dick Morris.  He didn't feel that the National Debt would be a problem for the Democrats in the upcoming elections.  He said that John and Jane Q Public don't care that the National Debt is spiraling out of control as long as they individually have money in their pockets and can buy what they want.

I pray that he is wrong but fear that he is right.  :(


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
JbarL said:
.the american people are about ready to find out what the republican party is all about....they are seeing it now as the republican presidential hopefuls line up to cut each other apart...why are there so many presidential hopefuls anyway??...what are they disagreeing about??.....why have so many already dropped out?? they have "any" common denominators as a national political party at all?? we watch and listen to the 10 or 12 republican presidential hopefuls, play close attention to whats "not" being said....same ole "save the rich" policies wrapped in  a big national debt sob story....jbarl

so i guess there was no democrat primary last time and you are just quibbling about the number of hopefuls and there are 0 democrat hopefuls for president?

following your logic, obama should be president for life and  a larger and larger portion of the voters should pay no federal income tax and get more and more food stamps.

when you start voting for other peoples stuff, when do we get yours?

the last democratic primary was clsoe....between two lost and threw there support to the other.....and they won hands down...the republicans were divided and discruntled in 08....and have been arguing ever sense amoungst themselves.......going to be the same way this clear unified overwhelming majority of like thinking constituiants...cant blame obama or the democratic party for that....jbarl


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2009
I have come to the conclusion all the goverment cares about is the bottom and top 1%.  Everyone joe that busts his but on a daily basis trying to make a living is rewarded by paying for food stamps for this schmuck. 
