The thing is, the Government isn't going to start "chipping" its citizens...ever. Seriously, do you think people would stand for that? I know things are more Government controlled than what a lot of people like, but come on. Just freaking out over a

(obviously) sensationalized picture isn't rational. It is in no way constructive or conducive to intelligent conversation. EVERYONE, GRAB YOUR PITCHFORKS! No.
Freddy is a smart man, and an excellent cattleman. Many folks have been "tricked" into believing things like this, which are simply just not true. This is not the USSR, this is not Communist Albania, this is not the Gulag. Freedoms may be limited, but do you think everyone was so "free" 100 years ago? Chances are, the US Gov't hindered your ancestors' lives more when they came here than they do yours now.