Thoughts on this Charolais cow

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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
This cow is sired by Sparrows Allience and is out of a cow called Magic Doll. I dont know much about the Char breed but i do think she has club calf potential. I Know the Doll cow family has produced some good clubby calves and the Allience bull is a Wyoming Wind son which has impacted the clubby industry some. She is bred to chopping wood for a Feb calf. Any input from any of you char guys. Im thinking seriously about buying her but the only factor holding me back is that she is an 05 model.


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Mill Iron A

Well-known member
Jul 12, 2011
That wouldn't hold me back at all, few people recognize this but charolais cattle are actually known for longevity.  If bred for maternal they can be some of the best females across many breeds. Why they have the terminal stigma is because they are good at it and many breeders have specialized them for terminal.  Nothing wrong with it I'm just saying that they can be really good females.  It's kind of like comparing Ohlde cattle and Gardner cattle same breed completely different focus.  I like her I say go for it.

Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
Mill Iron A said:
That wouldn't hold me back at all, few people recognize this but charolais cattle are actually known for longevity.  If bred for maternal they can be some of the best females across many breeds. Why they have the terminal stigma is because they are good at it and many breeders have specialized them for terminal.  Nothing wrong with it I'm just saying that they can be really good females.  It's kind of like comparing Ohlde cattle and Gardner cattle same breed completely different focus.  I like her I say go for it.

I agree
For me it would depend on if the price was right, but at a decent price I would not shy away from a good 05 model.  <cowboy>


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
Id swipe her up and go walks alone the next round and if you didn't like her, she will be another year older, and you can tell me to come get her


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2010
Mason City, Ne
No I wouldn't buy her....

but could you give me the # of the owners so I can?! Haha just messing, she looks like a heck of a cow. Already bred to a decent AI sire. As long as it isn't at a ridiculous price, I doubt you could go wrong.


Well-known member
Mar 31, 2007
North central -- Nebraska on highway 183 - 30 mi
What I can see she  looks like super prospect to raise a very good one ....SPARROWS ALLIANCE I think is the sire of mother of MIILKMAN ,these club calf guys don't advertise any of the parents much or want to register them....Milkman has daughters out there  that could be registered in Charolais composite end but owners will not register him ....Back to the subject Sparrow Aliance is pretty good Charolais bull ,birth weight might be on heavy side ,and he is like you said out of a great sire ... My experience with these good cows if you flush them she can produce till she is 15 or older ....We try to flush 1-3 times in a year and then get pregnant and raise a calf then start cycle over ....The calves  we raise for clubby end are mostly ET calves because of the quality of calves needed to compete with the competition out there ....

Quite a few of you guys commenting on price ,don't know what you call pricey and most of you guys don't seem very confident in your judgment, hope your not judging a bunch of these shows ...A good cow if you are serious about your program is worth some money ,spending time and money on a poor one isn't smart either ...ON the other hand we have 2-3 sales a year and don't sell them all most of the time ,after most sales  I have ,especially where females are involved made a practice of selecting 2-3 for my herd to use and some are flush cows now that have worked extremely well ....People in my bull sales get so tied up in biggest yearling weights and EPD'S  and not balanced animals, I have always used leftover's for cleanup herd bulls ,especially in the ANGUS  because the buyers buy only the bull's sired by big name sire's with usually higher EPD'S, compare in 2-3 years after sires have had use by the general public and their EPD'S have fallen and their just another old bull ...

Mill Iron A

Well-known member
Jul 12, 2011
Good call Freddy, we need to be putting more emphasis on balance in many breeding programs.  I think price is a funny subject because controlling costs is the way to profit but in breeding cattle having the best and most unique can actually create a market for itself which in turn brings in more money.  Not saying either way is right or wrong it's just a personality and resources issue.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
Gargan said:
This cow is sired by Sparrows Allience and is out of a cow called Magic Doll. I dont know much about the Char breed but i do think she has club calf potential. I Know the Doll cow family has produced some good clubby calves and the Allience bull is a Wyoming Wind son which has impacted the clubby industry some. She is bred to chopping wood for a Feb calf. Any input from any of you char guys. Im thinking seriously about buying her but the only factor holding me back is that she is an 05 model./// Need something thick with grow:who u gonna call? MOJITO


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
Lol Mark. Thanks for all the input ! I'm gonna try to end of up with her on a trade. She wouldn't be for sale but the current owner is going strictly pb Angus. I'll keep you all updated and Freddy I do intend to flush her at least once in spring of 2014


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
Freddy said:
With the Sparrrows Alliance in her and being Charolais for raising club calves you don't need any more grow ,Monopoly , Man Among Boys ,or Fast Freddy should all give you outstanding calves ....

Thanks Freddy, what do you know about the queen doll cow family? KbarK has a Princess doll cow out of her that has thrown some great clubbies, but that's about all I know

Mark H

Well-known member
Nov 9, 2008
You have plenty of options here with a cow with a marketable pedigree.  I certainly would consider bulls that will likely improve her EPDs since Alliance was not a performance animal like Montezuma, Cornerview Xcalibre, M6 New Standard, Sparrows Birmingham, Key McHenry etc.  The fact you have Alliance in the pedigree and she is in good shape for her age should make the calves marketable,  Just look at the bull sale average for sparrows farms for confirmation. See the website: for comments on how much of a cow maker alliance was.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
Thanks for all the advice. The minute I saw she was a 5.5 frame cow, I knew I had to get her. I know that's  prob to small for the pb guys but I thinks she'll work great clubby.


Well-known member
May 25, 2010
Spring Creek , Iowa
I don't know much about Chars but sure hear that Wyoming Wind name come up quite a bit. Great looking cow. I don't care if there black , red , white , green , or purple !!!!! Good is GOOD !!!