Three Thing to Ponder, Cows, The Constitution, The Ten Commandments

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Well-known member
May 1, 2011
COWS  is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that during the MAD COW epidemic our Government could track a single cow, born  
           in Canada ,  right to the stall where where she slept in the state of washington?  And, they tracked her calves to their stalls.                    
          But they are unable to locate 11 million illegal aliens wandering around our Country. Maybe we should give each of them a COW.        
 THE CONSTITUTION  They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq. Why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot  of
            really SMART guys, it has worked for over 200 years, and we'er not using it anymore.
 THE 10 COMMANDMENTS  The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments posted in a courthouse is this.   You cannot post
           Thou Shalt Not Steal,   Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery,  And Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness,  In a building full of lawyers,judges
           And politicians... It creates a hostile work environment.
                                                  If you like this leave a comment.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2008

Great thread would read again!


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
Great common sense thinking!  Too bad our current society puts very little value on common sense.    I personally think we should put bar code tatoos on any illegal aliens caught in this country for ID purposes and implant  a microchip(I'll let you choose the spot) to track their movements.  The second time they cross the border we could add a small explosive charge so that if they choose to cross the border a third time at least they wouldn't be able to reproduce.  This would also provide a good use of our drones(intead of spying on actual citizens) and perhaps create a few jobs for the military folks coming home from Afganistan, etc.  Just the humble opinion of a fed up  Iowegian!!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
oakbar said:
Great common sense thinking!   Too bad our current society puts very little value on common sense.    I personally think we should put bar code tatoos on any illegal aliens caught in this country for ID purposes and implant  a microchip(I'll let you choose the spot) to track their movements.   The second time they cross the border we could add a small explosive charge so that if they choose to cross the border a third time at least they wouldn't be able to reproduce.   This would also provide a good use of our drones(intead of spying on actual citizens) and perhaps create a few jobs for the military folks coming home from Afganistan, etc.   Just the humble opinion of a fed up  Iowegian!!


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2008
oakbar said:
  I personally think we should put bar code tatoos on any illegal aliens caught in this country for ID purposes and implant  a microchip(I'll let you choose the spot) to track their movements.   The second time they cross the border we could add a small explosive charge so that if they choose to cross the border a third time at least they wouldn't be able to reproduce. 

Where have i seen this before? OH yea, fascist Nazis.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
oakbar said:
Great common sense thinking!  Too bad our current society puts very little value on common sense.    I personally think we should put bar code tatoos on any illegal aliens caught in this country for ID purposes and implant  a microchip(I'll let you choose the spot) to track their movements.   The second time they cross the border we could add a small explosive charge so that if they choose to cross the border a third time at least they wouldn't be able to reproduce.   This would also provide a good use of our drones(intead of spying on actual citizens) and perhaps create a few jobs for the military folks coming home from Afganistan, etc.   Just the humble opinion of a fed up  Iowegian!!
Here's some great common sense going on in both the Edmonton and Calgary public School systems. ??? I guess we don't want to teach responsibiity  to students, we wouldn't want them to learn to have a work ethic.  :mad:  ???


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
Obviously, for those of you who know me, my comments were made with my TFPIC (tongue firmly planted in cheek),    Also, I don't believe I mentioned any particular nationality in my post.    I just think it is so rediculous to keep catching illegals again and again and never finding a way to mete out any punishment until they have established families here, etc.    I get challenged for my citizenship, legal record, etc. every time I get in an airplane---but we don't have the right to challenge or punish illegal aliens!    Just seems goofy to me.     Before you start criticizing me as a bigot please understand I have no problem with legal immigration--in fact I have several good friends who came to the US and actually became US citizens--I just believe that the freedoms and benefits we all enjoy citizens should not be so freely given away.   By the way, my friends who have worked to become US ciitzens are much more direct and extrem in how they feel their former countrymen should be treated if they break our laws and cross the border without permission.JMHO


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
south webster ohio
oakbar said:
Obviously, for those of you who know me, my comments were made with my TFPIC (tongue firmly planted in cheek),    Also, I don't believe I mentioned any particular nationality in my post.    I just think it is so rediculous to keep catching illegals again and again and never finding a way to mete out any punishment until they have established families here, etc.    I get challenged for my citizenship, legal record, etc. every time I get in an airplane---but we don't have the right to challenge or punish illegal aliens!    Just seems goofy to me.     Before you start criticizing me as a bigot please understand I have no problem with legal immigration--in fact I have several good friends who came to the US and actually became US citizens--I just believe that the freedoms and benefits we all enjoy citizens should not be so freely given away.   By the way, my friends who have worked to become US ciitzens are much more direct and extrem in how they feel their former countrymen should be treated if they break our laws and cross the border without permission.JMHO

see now you're trying to justify what you said earlier because someone called you out on being an idiot.
Lets put explosives in peoples bodies, specifically their reproductive areas.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
The government is considering keeping europeans (whites) out of the US if\when euope crashes.

Wonder why there should be discrimination between whites from Europe and browns from Mexico.

Totally racist.

Open the gates to all, or have the same criteria/ enforcement for all.

Anything else is racism. 


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
Thank you for your extremely astute and dynamic critique of my post.    However, perhaps you should study the difference between the literal(some say simple) translation as you understood it and the satirical meaning with which it was intended--i.e. my comment about "tongue firmly planted in cheek".    If you still have trouble understanding it please let me know and I'll try to rephrase it for you in simpler(monosyllabic if necessary) terms.  Again, Thank You for reading my post.  I always appreciate your well phrased and thought provoking responses.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
oakbar said:
Thank you for your extremely astute and dynamic critique of my post.    However, perhaps you should study the difference between the literal(some say simple) translation as you understood it and the satirical meaning with which it was intended--i.e. my comment about "tongue firmly planted in cheek".    If you still have trouble understanding it please let me know and I'll try to rephrase it for you in simpler(monosyllabic if necessary) terms.   Again, Thank You for reading my post.   I always appreciate your well phrased and thought provoking responses.

Daaaang, Oakbar. "Monosyllabic" - Now that's some fancy jargon you've got goin on right there.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
oakbar said:
Thank you for your extremely astute and dynamic critique of my post.    However, perhaps you should study the difference between the literal(some say simple) translation as you understood it and the satirical meaning with which it was intended--i.e. my comment about "tongue firmly planted in cheek".    If you still have trouble understanding it please let me know and I'll try to rephrase it for you in simpler(monosyllabic if necessary) terms.   Again, Thank You for reading my post.   I always appreciate your well phrased and thought provoking responses.

well said!!  (clapping)