Thriller Bull

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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
P.O.P.-- Look for bulls that are really good on their feet and legs as well as calving ease. Those are the bulls that will give you great replacement females. Remember your heifers will contribute half of the equation for calving ease. It's rare to get those good show steers out of first calvers. They just have to be too stout to be competitive.

This calving ease Angus should make super females, bulls and maybe some show steers...BC II Skyfall 2812. Universal Semen Sales carries him. I don't know if you must buy units of packaged semen or if they sell it individually.

Cattle Cards

Well-known member
Nov 16, 2011
I used Jesse James on a Heat Wave x Meyer first calf heifer.  She calved 2 months after Fort Worth and was still carrying a lot of show weight.  Gave me a vigorous 75lb. heifer calf that I just love.  She was nice on day one and I love her even more now at 8-1/2 months.  She's clean and feminine up front with a lot of junk in the trunk.  Very gentle and a joy to work with.  Tons of hair.  I have her for sale and hope she'll get out and get shown, but if not, I'm be just as happy to breed her and put her back out with the cows.  One of the best calves I've ever raised.  I've got another one coming out of a big first calf PB Angus heifer this spring.  Keeps things simple.  You buy 5 straws and hopefully that'll get them both covered. 