Good evening, I have a steer that is weighing probably close to hopefully 850 maybe a little more. He is only eating 13 pounds of grain and I know I should be above 20 pounds a day. I need for him to start eating more to put the pounds on him. Our fair is the 2nd week in August but I want to push now and I am not sure why he won't eat more than that. The others that are with him eating pretty good. They get a vitaferm tub for mineral and free hay, clean water all the time. My feed is a custom mix and they look good on it other than I am afraid that he is not gaining like he should be. He rushes to get to the feed and then after 12 or 13 pounds has just had enough. The feed could maybe use a little more molasses to make it sweeter but everything else is good. Should I add a little extra molasses out of a tub to see if that makes a difference or does someone else have a trick or two. I should add I also give them probias every 2 1/2 weeks to keep stomach bugs going. Thanks for any advice before hand.