tips or tricks to get a steer to eat more? Thanks

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Well-known member
Oct 8, 2008
Good evening, I have a steer that is weighing probably close to hopefully 850 maybe a little more.  He is only eating 13 pounds of grain and I know I should be above 20 pounds a day.  I need for him to start eating more to put the pounds on him.  Our fair is the 2nd week in August but I want to push now and I am not sure why he won't eat more than that.  The others that are with him eating pretty good.  They get a vitaferm tub for mineral and free hay, clean water all the time.  My feed is a custom mix and they look good on it other than I am afraid that he is not gaining like he should be.  He rushes to get to the feed and then after 12 or 13 pounds has just had enough.  The feed could maybe use a little more molasses to make it sweeter but everything else is good.  Should I add a little extra molasses out of a tub to see if that makes a difference or does someone else have a trick or two.  I should add I also give them probias every 2 1/2 weeks to keep stomach bugs going.  Thanks for any advice before hand.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2008
he has a 12X16 stall during the day and then about an acre run that they go out in at night. Plus he6 gets walked every other day.  We are feeding 6 calves and they get 2 1/2 small squares at night to munch on. The rest eat pretty good with the exception of one of the heifers every now and then don't finish her grain but not like him.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
From your description it sounds like you are only feeding once a day, I would try feeding him 2 maybe 3 times a day.  Twice a day, start with 8 pounds a feeding and add 1/2 a feeding every other day until you get him up to 13 pounds a feeding. Three times a day, start with 6 pounds and work your way up to 10 pounds a feeding, feed the same time every and be consistent with your times, calves do better on a schedule.
Twice a day 6 and 6 works pretty good
3 times a day 6 12 and 6 will work but the farther a part the better 5 12 and 7 is better


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2012
Murdock, KS
I also agree with the feed twice a day & also might try a supplement, like Moor Mans eat more or a apetite express... both of these help keep the good bugs going in their belly and help keep them on feed better.  also feed at the same times everyday (more routine the better for some of them)...