I """""""""HAVE"""""""" to say something here, I can't take it any more. Period.
I could give a rat's hairy BUTT about Obama -- what he stands for, OR what he THINKS is best for this (MY AND OUR)) country.
He, not unlike a few other past presidents, is up THERE for one reason -- to pad his fat billfold for the rest of his sorry life. I - as many of you know - was sent to Viet Nam in 1972 to safe guard our country from the would be potential of hostile take over in the future. What would every one call this current cabinet we now have -- it may not be OBVIOUSLY hostile, but I can promise you all it IS a take over of what we have all grown used to having. I take that damn personal -- so excuse my lack of proffesional language, I tend to go backwoods when I am irritated - and I am past that already! It didn't take me but a couple months to see exactly what I was afraid I was going to see when this fool was first "Elected" (bought and paid for I might add). He snuck in and did exactly what HE wanted, with the cost of the votes in congress and the house already pre-paid.
If any one out there thinks what he is doing is for the betterment of US, please send me your address so I can make sure to have some one throw a rock thru your window so will WAKE UP. I am scared for the first time in many years that the life I fought to protect will not only cease, but will do so from within!!! Tell ya what -- let me know how you (generally speaking) feel about this MAN OF THE YEAR in a couple years. I am almost glad I will most likely not live long enough to see what we will all be like in another 20 years. I might guess and say that almost 90% will be ASSISTED, while the other 10% is taken to the cleaners. And for the record, I don't plan on learning any other language but ENGLISH to be more politicly correct! I could care less if the NEW population likes English or not, it is what WE speak -- or at least did!!
Box now fairly clean -- sorry to all -- but still want to wish EVERY ONE a very MERRY CHRISTMAS -- note I did not say Happy Holidays!