I guess I am old fart and going to go against the grain on this topic, but I will say first that I am certain there are cases for inducing, but I am not a fan of doing it. I haven't done it in my own herd, and won't. I don't believe in messing with Mother Nature and I think inducing causes more problems than it does good. Many years ago, I worked at a major Simmental operation and their management decided that they were going to only calve on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They hired their vet to be at the farm full time on these days. The cows and heifers were induced and for the most part they did calve on these days. But...and this is a huge BUT... the problems this created were crazy. As was mentioned earlier, there were many calves that were either slow, weak or would not suck on their own. There were a large number of females that had retained afterbirth, and we had several that did not rebreed early. Their calving season got spread out by many weeks. The work load with stupid calves was far more than we would have had with regular calving. The vet was also kept busy with assisted births because several cows did not dilate properly. I may be basing my remarks on a single experience, but it was enough for me to decide that I wanted no part of it. The Simmental operation decided the same and never did it again.
There are lots of other reasons I could give in why I am not a fan of this practice but I will leave that for another time.