too wild to break ?????

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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2007
            After reading a response on the 2011 Denver bulls topic, i decided i needed to vent a bit.  A bull supposedly did not go to Denver because he wasn't broke well enough.  But he was really good natured. Really ? ?  Over the years the number of stories i have heard or been told about these "too wild to break" calves have worn me out. Now to the credit of this "Denver no show" i was quite amused i must admit. Just when you think you can expect the crutch that too many people lean on, someone has 180'ed the whole scenario.  I would love to hear any of your stories of the "too wild to break" calves any of you may have successfully shown.  All natural though, straight up shown with no drugs.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2007
Hey just saying, just because he wasn't broke enough for Denver, doesn't mean he wasn't broke.  There are a ton of people walking by the bulls there, getting in their faces and feeling them down their loin and everything else.  I know plenty of calves that were calm enough to show that would have a nervous breakdown in the yards.



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
I have to agree with Olson on this one, broke for Denver and broke "enough" are 2 very different issues, I have never in my life seen so many idots that think this is a petting zoo for a 3 year old.  Anyway, it was my understanding there was never an intention of bringing the bull to Denver even if he had been broke.

The steer that my nephew won Reserve with at the Kansas State Fair was like that, we missed most of the spring shows because we honestly didn't think he would ever break down, and then all of a sudden he apparently had a change of heart and ended up being a puppy dog.


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2010
You never know how they are going to act when they get away from home. Years ago when the Simmy's were first imported our local vet decided to get in the Simmental business. He went to Denver and spent a ton of money on a fullblood bull. ( Back then it was a ton ). The next fall the state Simmy assn. had their state sale here at the Cow Palace hotel. They stalled the cattle in tents behind the hotel and set the ring up in the tropical courtyard inside. It's pretty nice for Lamar. Anyway he had me clip the bull to put on display in front of the hotel under the awning where you drive up to the front door of the hotel. It wasn't the first time we had displayed him so I thought no big deal. We got him there and went to lead him into his display and he saw himself in one of the big plate glass windows in the front of the hotel. Don't know whether he wanted to fight or play but he ran through that glass and took a tour of the Cow Palace. After we got him captured into his display and they covered the hole with plywood and everything turned out fine.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
time-to-show said:
            After reading a response on the 2011 Denver bulls topic, i decided i needed to vent a bit.  A bull supposedly did not go to Denver because he wasn't broke well enough.  But he was really good natured. Really ? ?  Over the years the number of stories i have heard or been told about these "too wild to break" calves have worn me out. Now to the credit of this "Denver no show" i was quite amused i must admit. Just when you think you can expect the crutch that too many people lean on, someone has 180'ed the whole scenario.  I would love to hear any of your stories of the "too wild to break" calves any of you may have successfully shown.  All natural though, straight up shown with no drugs.

i had an american calf that broke jaws ribs and legs. ended up champion at my county fair.. anyone can just give up on a calf but it becomes a pride issue after a while and it really gets personal. not to mention i worked with the calf everyday and me and him took home the showmanship buckle that year, makes you so glad you dont give up on them, they can all be broke especially if you got all these folks down south breaking brahman x cattle, but i do agree that the yards in denver is a different story than the show ring


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2010
my  now 26yo daughters second calf was from a local farmer who raised the previous years res grand. the ffa chapter did not have a scale so we had to haul to the feed mill and back to the farm for the other daughters steer. when we got back the first one was snortin and obviously very upset. he was never a mean steer just scared. she spent alot of time with him and could do anthing except lead him. two grown men could not keep his head up to stop his mad rush to get away.  we ended up using the skid steer. she walked beside him for about a week, this is after the first time the advisers were out and they were coming out in two days, we thought we saw enough of a change in him that we turned him loose and she walked him back to the barn. a couple hundred yards.  that year he was the best behaved steer. the other steer was a semi-angus this one was angus.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
What % of bulls sold in this country are that gentle?  Frankly, I wouldnt buy a halter broke bull.  Its the ones that arent wary of you that will hurt you in the pasture down the road.

You would have to be personally involved with one to know if he was mean or just doing what bulls do.


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2008
chambero said:
What % of bulls sold in this country are that gentle?  Frankly, I wouldnt buy a halter broke bull.  Its the ones that arent wary of you that will hurt you in the pasture down the road.

You would have to be personally involved with one to know if he was mean or just doing what bulls do.

Thats a good point..I never really thought of it.

You don't know the bull if you didn't break him yourself!


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2007
Cant say anything till you have a Watusi (sp?) cross Steer, yea...I was eight and the only person who could do anything with him. He attempted to kill a few grown men but, to me he was an angel. Pinned a girl to the side of a wash rack, dragged four grown men, chase said group of men threw a few fences...Some animals just click with some people and not others.
red steer in my avatar, I had to drag him behind my after he decided he rather drag people, not to mention he tried to ram the truck a few times. Ended up winning our reg. Had another steer who loved to put his head down and run, well one day he did it, and I just let go, he ran himself right into a brick wall and never pulled that one again....and people wounder why I argue tempermet is a mark of a great bull. I have to say one of the best animals I have owned was a four year old bull I bought out of a pasture never been handled, that took less then an hour to learn how to lead.