Need some advice or help if anyone has experience.
Have a really nice cale (approx. 350#) still on the cow
She tried to jump a wall, and started limping on her rear leg on saturday. I treated her twice, and had the vet out today. He is pretty sure it is a torn ACL (similar to what athletes get) His experience was that most do not come out of it, and essentially you have a calf that never will put weight on the leg again. Anybody else have experience with something like this - looking for advice.
Have a really nice cale (approx. 350#) still on the cow
She tried to jump a wall, and started limping on her rear leg on saturday. I treated her twice, and had the vet out today. He is pretty sure it is a torn ACL (similar to what athletes get) His experience was that most do not come out of it, and essentially you have a calf that never will put weight on the leg again. Anybody else have experience with something like this - looking for advice.