when i bought my place "several years ago"...i only had 2 kinds of tress on the whole place.....those that were in my way....and those that werent....

....those folks there couldnt have withstood the massacre of "83".....young saplings....and teenage woodies, alike.....some still with seed, .. falling dead, right along with some of 3 generations of there elders.....9 days of hortculture holocost........some pieces still exist there..... you'll see them...here and there.... a board on a fence corner...or you hear that "squeeky creak board on the outhouse floor".......when not any one is in there !!!.....

.......i often wonder if those that were with me when it happped ....i wonder if they think ever think of it ...now and then.. as well.............we still see each...now and then ....they all have families now....we simply dont just talk about it .......i no some of my hippie friends has had to wonder from time to time...i seen them gazing over at the pond, ...and questioning its natural existance.......and wondering...."did trees die here??.............then ..... as the sunset past away...and the natural, organic spirts of drink and plants alike were shared ............the pond soon began to look more like....an aquatic release......they touched it with there feet ..everyone could feel it...and they smiled with relaxation and an over comiing feeling of ...freedom.......then we all went skinny dipppin'...and they aint siad much about it since.... ;D....some say they still swim there ...from time to time....since ive left....and as i carry this burden ...knowing what ive done....and those who consipired with me....such foolish mistakes we make in our youths...........i feel there pain.......jbarl