For some reason, we have always had quite a few sets of twins in our herd. That is, until this year. We never had any sets of twins this year which is the first year I can ever remember not having lots of twins. I thought we must have had something in our herd genetics that promoted the twinning as we have had as many as 19 sets in a year. Usually we would have 8-12 sets of twins. In 1989, we had to re-establish our herd, and from the new set of cows we had 10 sets, so I am thinking we were not just getting twins from their genetics. Personally, I would rather have one good calf rather than two. Twins can bring lots of extra problems. We haven't had too many cows that would not accept both twins but it does happen occasionally. There seems to be a portion of cows that seem to have stillborn twins and I spoke with a researcher about this, and he said that this is fairly commonplace. Last year I had a heifer give us twins. The calves were twisted up and I had to get a vet assist as I could not get them. He managed to eventually get them out and both were dead and the vet bill was over $700. Singles anytime for me!