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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
Bundy is essentially stealing by grazing land he has no claim to.  What is there to defend?

your logic. i thought you were against the police state.  i guess it's fine to steal things that don't belong to you if you are a progressive.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
if people were really worried about the desert tortoise, they would have voted reid out years ago and thrown him in jail and curtailed development where the tortoises used to be. 

we all get it that the left is not really interested in the environment, but simply worshipping themselves and wrapping themselves in circular logic.

no guns at fort hood, but the federal government is obsessed with drawing weapons on those who disagree with them.

reactionary, professionally outraged response in 3...2...1...


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2011
Southeastern Wisconsin
His cattle (creatures native to the land for how many years?) are disrupting the tortoises way of life, but the implantation of ground troops, police traffic, and traffic of hundreds of trucks and trailers and supply vehicles aren't?

The government does not care about the environment. They are simply puppets working for a corporation, most likely one wanting to open pit mine this area (Paying little to no fee to do so, while also creating devastating effects over a thousand times worse than Mr. Bundy's cattle.)

Your move, X bar.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
this is pretty funny.


“There is a vast amount of discretion that a president has — and more specifically that an attorney general has,” Holder responded. “But that discretion has to be used in an appropriate way so that your acting consistent with the aims of the statute but at the same time making sure that you are acting in a way that is consistent with our values, consistent with the Constitution and protecting the American people."

translation, the progressive left's values.  the only enemy of the left is the american people who disagree with them.  they state it openly over and over.  funny the ad preceding the video is about free speech, something both sides would like to restrict, but more so, the left.

dude always has his sleeves rolled up to look like he's working and he jogs up the stairs on air force one and the media shows it over and over to reinforce a projectionable personality that he's working for us when nothing could be further from the truth.  both the left and the right absolutely hate small business and for the life of them can't figure out how to write laws that are good for ANY size company.  therein lies the tyranny of our government, which is essentially a facist state (regardless of which party is in power)​


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
knabe said:
-XBAR- said:
Bundy is essentially stealing by grazing land he has no claim to.  What is there to defend?

i thought you were against the police state. 


No, I'm against arbitrary local authority. 

I could care less about the tortoises- though, I'm glad some take an interest in their preservation.  If they were to take the tortoise issue away, which really that's a non issue, I find it hard to believe anyone on here would defend this man's practice of grazing land he has no claim to. 


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
knabe said:
“There is a vast amount of discretion that a president has — and more specifically that an attorney general has,” Holder responded. “But that discretion has to be used in an appropriate way so that your acting consistent with the aims of the statute but at the same time making sure that you are acting in a way that is consistent with our values, consistent with the Constitution and protecting the American people."

translation, the progressive left's values

You're right.  The values of the majority.  We live in a representative democracy.  Majority rules.  The minority interest has no choice.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
You're right.  The values of the majority.  We live in a representative democracy.  Majority rules.  The minority interest has no choice.

Yeah. Just ignore the house. I'm sure you will hold me to that sentiment if democrats lose the senate and want the filibuster reinstated.

You seem to forget our country was founded on principles to protect minorities and their opinions from people lIke you. It's amazing how little you know about protecting minorities.

With each post, you demonstrate you complete hatred of diversity and tolerance. We understand that with you and the progressive movement that compromise is a one way street with you. Your irritation is proof of you disdain of those who disagree with.

Check your upper lip, it needs a shave.



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Sheep said:
This is exactly what the Second Ammendment is for, to protect ourself against a belligerent government unlawfully attacking it's citizens.

Since Bundy has no legal claim to the land, what is unlawful about the Govt removing him from it?



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
knabe said:
You seem to forget our country was founded on principles to protect minorities and their opinions from people lIke you. It's amazing how little you know about protecting minorities.

which election is it again that's won by the minority of votes?

Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
Bundy stopped paying his BLM leases in the 90's.  Also I have seen different articles state that his family had threatened violence against the blm officials so yes that does give them the right to arrest the man.  Sorry but this is a bunch of bs trying to protect a man that had been stealing for years from the USA.  They had tried before to get them to get off and stopped because of fear of a armed retaliation.  Last I saw the Nevada Cattlemans assoc. has not backed him yet and probably wont.  He didn't pay rent now he got evicted... Wait am I actually on XBARS side on a semi political issue???  crap.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
My company does quite a bit of work for the federal government.  We have to compete for every single penny of it.

My taxes (and yours) could be a little lower if ALL users of public land had to pay fair market value as determined by competition for grazing leases, mining leases, timber leases, etc. 

From what I read, this isn't a case of a large privately owned ranch that has a few landlocked pieces of BLM land in it.  Sounds like these folks own a tiny piece of land and depend on public land for the majority of their grazing.  We all have to figure out how to be in the cattle business by buying/leasing private land - the guys out west have a leg up on us if they don't have to do the same thing.

This sounds like a crazy old man mooching off his neighbors and the rest of us and someone has finally called his bluff.  It doesn't matter if the FBI or whoever points guns at him to enforce court orders - they are law enforcement and have that right. 

Someone should be fired for letting this drag on for 20-30 years.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
not a fan of bundy, grazing permits, federally owned range land and the tyranny of majority, as things have a way of going full circle. then, those who benefitted from tyranny, somehow are outraged they are on the short end of the stick.  best not to have tyranny in the first place. it's clear that we no longer value the smallest minority of all, the individual.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
chambero said:
Someone should be fired for letting this drag on for 20-30 years.

same with the horse issue, fast and furious, benghazi and countless others.

there is no more protected species than the job of a federal employee and their benefits package.


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
The problem for Cliven Bundy and his family is that he was going to be regulated out of existence under the pretext of "saving" the desert tortoise, when cattle grazing is the least of the problems for desert tortoise.  The end result was going to be the same whether he paid his grazing permit fees while the feds squeezed his use down to nothing or whether he quit paying the feds to squeeze him down to nothing.  The course he took gave him a few extra years of ranching. 

He owns a number of water rights under state law that are located on federal ground.  He doesn't have much of a ranch without being able to graze the federal and state land where his water rights are located.  Legally he appears to have no defense.  Morally, what was done to him is wrong, but morality doesn't have much to do with the workings of the federal government.