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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
twc77 said:
knabe said:
$1500mo plus deductible of $6500.
[ is that per year your family policy? If so that's a mere drop in the bucket for a man of your means, it only costs a lil bit more to go first class ;). Organize, you will want to bargain for maintenance of benefits. /color]

Per month, that's what the abbreviation mo means. With your careful reading skills, I wouldn't expect you to catch that. Better to resort to strawman ad hominem attacks.

Alex jones told me that's what it meant so its not reliable.


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2012
knabe said:
twc77 said:
knabe said:
$1500mo plus deductible of $6500.
[ is that per year your family policy? If so that's a mere drop in the bucket for a man of your means, it only costs a lil bit more to go first class ;). Organize, you will want to bargain for maintenance of benefits. /color]

Per month, that's what the abbreviation mo means. With your careful reading skills, I wouldn't expect you to catch that. Better to resort to strawman ad ( what does this abbreviation mean?)hominem attacks.
thanks for the clarification sugar, with your spelling in this thread I wasn't sure you would go there combine my careful reading and your spelling and we are on to something...

Alex jones told me that's what it meant so its not reliable.


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2012
trevorgreycattleco said:
Why aren't you in office twc?  You seem to know it all. Life was a lot different during back 30 years ago. The charade can't go on forever.

Maybe I am scared that Alex Jones has a file somewhere with pictures of me smoking pot while out chasing a pro v1 down the hole(entirely possible).. I have never once sir, professed to "know it all" I will state for fact that I do indeed know enough to know that I do NOT know it all.

If I have in fact blasphemed the gospels and holy teachings of Alex Jones, Sean Hannity, Rush, George Noory, Glenn Beck, G.Gordon Liddy ,Art Bell , coast to coast a.m. or the Fox news companies you have my sincere apologies.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
I havent claimed to know it all either.  In fact, quite the opposite.

I guess staing that the government doesnt know it all either is somehow the new antipatriotic.

Leaning away from the government orthodoxy is somehow tantamount to criminal.

Let alone pointing out govenrment criminality.

All we have done is replace god with government and changed judgement day into an everyday occurence. Still, its puzzling why the left likes certain religions and cant stand others. Probably has something to do with an ends to a means.  Strange bedfellows our politicians have (left and right). Its really too bad jefferson and adams hated each other early on.  Perhaps the system could have codified a little more. Too bad slavery wasnt eliminated as well, as this really codified the alternative system of polarity and and subtle slavery.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Seriously, who collects early soviet era propoganda posters and posts them prominently in their house and makes sure they are visible in a feature article?  Alex jones probably did it.

Jay carney. 


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2009
Because it looks cool, its history, he spent time in russia as a jounalist, he met his wife in moscow , and primarily because bfd...or maybe he is a commie and wants to turn the USA into the former Soviet Union...I bet there's a  swastika or sickle & hammer flag in his bathroom...why else would our president select him as press secretary ::)


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2012
News flash*** Alex Jones reports that Carney and fellow Yale alumni and  Bush l and ll were spotted dancing wildly almost incoherently in some sort of interpretive dance at the Bohemian grove resort during a recent gathering of other skull and bones members. Jones also goes on to assert the assumption that Bush 43  surely recruited Carney for the secret society, as evidenced by Carney being one of a very limited reporters aboard Air Force 1 during the 911 tragedy or was it coincidence... stay tuned...
Above parody meant strictly for satirical purposes...

C'mon guys can't we go back to bengazzi? You could bash Hillary and the potus at the same time , that would surely be far more satisfying..


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Bush lied, people died

Obama and Hillary didn't do anything, people died.

Oh wait they were running guns, just like Reagan.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
Maybe a little lesson that civil disobedience isn't just for hippies.  <cowboy>


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Probably the major reason i have a problem with subsidies is the scrutiny the government, specifically the irs, gives cattle and horse operations and the definition of intent to make a profit. 


Government money should be used for basic research, not propping up business for political purposes, essentially picking winners and losers.  Its not clear to me these solar companies are interested in making a profit.


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2013
Knox County Nebraska
In another post I showed a picture of some guys looking at a diorama of a huge hunting preserve they wanted to create.  They were into saving species from extinction so they could hunt them.  If you look at the diorama, you can see some tiny tortoises in the foreground.  They are reconstituted Pleistocene tortoises. That government did have to invade a country and eliminate the local population to create the preserve, but that was their land management plan, and their agenda.
Seriously, my property is surrounded by National Forest, and they are all about fencing our cattle away from the creeks and micromanaging the number of cattle on pasture, but when it comes to developing the same land for gas drilling, the Agency (always capital A) expects no significant environmental impact.  Same thing when it comes to a timber sale.  Then they go and tear up a hayfield and rip out the drain tile to create wetland habitat in a place where anywhere you step, the hole fills with water.  If you asked them for a permit to cut the hay off that field, they would have to study it for 5 years, then say no.
I don't hate the government, I just think they have a decision making process that is so removed from practicality and mired in paperwork that any sensible idea gets rejected or delayed for years for analysis.  Yet, any extractive proposal gets a pass.
Even so, I don't put cows on government pasture any time I want just because it is a sensible idea.  I guess I would open the gate and do it if I could get away with it, though.  They waste a lot of grass by making us take them off on October 15.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007

That study process is something that is ridiculously bureaucratic, but has come about because the agencies get sued every time they turn around.

I wouldn't begin to know who should be the right entity to start this, but if there is a large cattle raisers organization in the west that does interface a lot with BLM and USFS on behalf of ranchers, now is the time to reach out to them to engage some serious discussion on how to make things better for both sides.

That's what happened with the O&G industry + a serious interest on the part of government to become energy independent and lower prices.  In reality, if played right, higher long-term food prices could do the same thing for making acces for responsible grazing easier.

But right now, grazing fees don't generate nearly the revenue other consumptive uses do and as a result - don't get the attention of politicians willing to back the agencies against fights with environmental groups.  There are plenty of people in BLM and USFS with favorable views towards the importance of grazing, their hands just get often tied because of litigation costs and the need to avoid them.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
I have convinced all my relatives to no longer contribute to the nature conservancy, sierra club etc.  They seem to be in numerous shady land deals to then sell to the government land next to parks in exchange for other properties to landlock development corridors and label them corridors for endangered species. I kid you not, my property is listed as a bee migration corridor due to the plants on it. It also has tiger salamander habitat as well.

Around here, these guys do a lot of suing and buying up development rights surrounding cities, driving up the cost of development. This has good and badd effects.  It forces multiple level housing in once empty lots (obviously former farming ground of what was probably the top 10% fertile soil in the world) with business on the ground floor next to trains.  It then sells these places for roughly the same cost as a house of similar square footage, if not more. Te tax base from these projects are much more amneable to paying unfunded liabilities of government employees, which keeps expanding, because they never contract, soma development spiral is necessary wi massive coordination needed, which most small business people cant even begin to comprehend.  We of course need legal and illegal immigration to drive demand for this infrastructure, which, socially, is homogeneous to depend upon government.  All of this development is intertwined to feed itself, i cant remember when a static population or even less increase was even discussed in liberal circles since i was a liberal until 10 years ago.

Good and bad with all this development. To me, the bad part of public transit out here was it started good with train in between business, but then the car era took over, the tracks were ripped up, and housing developed around what track was left, and then when silicon valley hit, the chance to have rail be effective was over, and now, costs to put it in is being wasted on a bullet train from nowhere to nowhere.

A great book on infratructure is one by buckminsterfuller.  He envisioned better portable housing which would allow flexibility to redesign cities as needs changed.  We started with house with basements, and then foundations so a static house has been codified into the american psyche.

A great book to read about electricity development is called "powerplay" by sharon beder.  She offers interesting history and government solutions but is short on other solutions. Essentially, the private power people were essentially the government, and innovation slowed. It will be interesting if fuel cells will ever deliver as well as cheaper solar.  The government and industry want people on the grid, which to me is a part of the problem.