I raised Uncle Kracker and would say he is vary comparable to Alias with more hair, lower BW calves, less likely to toe out, and as much or more maternal power behind him. His dam(3/4MA Hunk x Engineer) is going on 12 years and looks 1/2 her age with half my herd going back to her. Study his pedigree when you go back to HOO TOO, you have a MCF Cub donor cow x Kris Black's HOO DOO which i believe is what Alias goes back to. That picture of the heifer above is actually not mine, it is a local cattlemen by the name of Terry Gladman that I snapped the picture for with my phone. I do have a really nice heifer as well but do not have a recent picture due to bad weather and lots of mud, but trust me it is one of the best heifers I've raised and if you email me I'll send you an older picture that's on my phone. I bred him to maternal cows this first year and heifer reports are great. I would suggest breeding him to your carrier cows if wanting great steers, all my bull calves are out of PB AN and are descent. Ive yet to hear of any being pulled. He is the hairiest calf I've raised and one of the gentlest as well. I will be breeding him to my carriers this spring! He is papered 3/8 MA and am looking into getting him papered ChiMaine as well. If you have any more questions please get a hold of me. John Adams