Not sure how to start this thread but here is goes. I called for a Doctors appointment. I got one for 2 weeks later. After the initial visit and playing 20 questions we set a plan in motion. I was to pee in a cup before I left and make another appointment to get some blood drawn. I was also to get a X-ray across the road at the hospital. Well I did the pee thing but when it came time to get the other appointment for the blood I found out I would have to wait another 10 days. Well I did the X-ray thing and that only took about 30 mins. Then yesterday I got the blood drawn and then made another appointment to talk to the Doc about the results. I now have to wait till Oct. 27. From start to finish it Will have been about 6 weeks before I know if something is going on with me. What happened to the great US health care where there is no waiting and such. (lol)