US health care N/C

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Not sure how to start this thread but here is goes. I called for a Doctors appointment. I got one for 2 weeks later. After the initial visit and playing 20 questions we set a plan in motion. I was to pee in a cup before I left and make another appointment to get some blood drawn. I was also to get a X-ray across the road at the hospital. Well I did the pee thing but when it came time to get the other appointment for the blood I found out I would have to wait another 10 days. Well I did the X-ray thing and that only took about 30 mins. Then yesterday I got the blood drawn and then made another appointment to talk to the Doc about the results. I now have to wait till Oct. 27. From start to finish it Will have been about 6 weeks before I know if something is going on with me. What happened to the great US health care where there is no waiting and such. (lol)


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2007
The current state of healthcare in America is from the last attempt at health care reform done by the Clinton's.

We need less government and more doctor/patient decision making.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
Most of the problems with health care are insurance problems, insurance controls everything from the price of care to the amount of time you can stay.  If we could go back to when you had a doctor patient relationship and you weren't just a number you would get much better care! 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
the government saw fit to allow insurance essentially a monopoly.

they should remove that and foster competition.

one way to reduce insurance influence is allow payment directly to doctor's hospitals for care that is not catastrophic related.

as soon as insurance was influenced to cover more and more, less and less influence by the insured to question costs has been eliminated.  since the insured has no influence on the market, there is no influence, hence someone else pays, well, you get the picture.

monopolies are bad. if you think the insurance company monopoly is bad, just wait for the government version.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Tort reform.....tort reform......tort reform.....tort reform.......tort reform.......oh wait...the lawyers own the Democrats.......never mind.


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
Frostback I don't know what you health issues are, but going for a blood draw and x-rays is not what I would consider the normal yearly check up.  I am guessing they will send you x-rays to an expert who will look at past x rays if they exist and check for changes.  Bloodwork will be analyzed but even in the fastest situations it seems to take at least 2 hours for it to be ran and check by someone.  The 6 weeks is a bit ridiculous I will agree.  Best of luck to you.


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
I have been battling a knee problem all summer where out of the blue it will double in size and be very painful for 4 or 5 days then go away as quick as it appears. I believe it is related to a knee surgery I had in high school 12 years ago. I called for an appt on Monday when the pain hit a point I didn't want to deal with it anymore and the nurse gave me an appt of Sept 10. I laughed at her. The next day I called the other office where my doctor works at and they got me in the same day. Took one look and have me a referral to an orthopedic doc. Can't get me in til Sept 5. I asked what to do about the pain and was told to take pills. Thank goodness for my sister n law that basically runs another hospital she got me an appt on Monday. Very frustrating.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
lucky you got in before obama care hits.  the lines will be a lot longer, there will be less doctors so they will have to allow non-doctors to start providing more health care.  sort of like that will happen with vets.  there will be so few professional animal and human health people that things will get interesting.

Mark H

Well-known member
Nov 9, 2008

I think you have water on the knee.  That can be caused by damaged cartilage or torn ligaments. I know the hard way about knee problems since both my knees are bad.  The left  knee has no cartilage left the other has damaged ligaments.  I have had surgery on  my meniscus on my right knee and was only partially successful.  The surgeons want to do a knee replacement on my left knee eventually. 
I quickly found out that how fast you get in to see the doctor depends on the quality of your health insurance.  My old health care insurance (Blue Cross) was not liked by the physicians-few one wanted to see you and if they did expect a long wait for an appointment.  My new health insurance gives me immediate access to some of the best doctors around.  If I wait a week it is a long wait.  something else to keep in mind:  If you do not have health insurance you will pay 2 to 3 times what the insurance companies pay because you do not have any market power.  Try and phone around and see if you can even find out what they charge for basic procedures; you will get nowhere.  If you use the health care system and do not have health insurance you are like a dog with out a bone.
Even then my left knee has cost me around $ 25,000 so far and will never be 100% (or 75%). Even the best doctors can only do so much.  These are the guys i have been using:


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2013
Best health care I have gotten has been when I dropped to a HSA.  I file papers, doctors or PA's do nothing but see me and make me better. That being said, I do not go to the doctor for every little thing.... only when I break something or am in fear of losing an appendage! 


Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
Where I live I have NEVER had any kind of problem getting in or seeing a DR or NP within one day of calling.  I have blood work done at least every 3 months and I can walk right in and get it done within 15 min.  Usually having my results into the doc within a week.  Xrays I have had done were also very fast and usually was looking at them with the dr within the day.  So I might suggest that if available you look into a different medical practice.  Good luck