Quote from Justintime: Another concern of mine about using EPDs as a selection tool in the show ring, is who determines what the right numbers should be? Having the lowest BW EPD, or the highest WW or YW EPD is certainly not always the best. I happen to believe that there are optimum EPD numbers and these can change from farm to farm. Most everyone uses EPDs with variations in what they see as best. When that happens, I still think a skilled set of eyes and logical decision making has to trump variations of EPDs on a page ( sorry for using the trump word for those think I was said a swear word!!)
I have a concern about using visual appraisal alone in the show ring. Who determines what is "whistle fronted", "correct and sound", "finished", "very maternal looking". Having the longest neck, or biggest rib shape, or thickest butt isn't always the best. I have had to literal hold back laughter when a judge comments "this heifer has very fluid movement". And you see them leave drag marks in the sawdust (couldn't walk over a fallen tree to save their lives). I have had to literally leave when a judge comments "This heifer has a very cow-y look to her" (looked like a steer to me). So visual appraisal is just as subjective (more so actually) than someone looking at EPD's. Everyone has their opinion, and that is why we pay a judge big money... to give theirs. Let them use what they want, have them request info. Its the judges show, a committee selected them to judge, now let them do their job.
In steer shows I would like to see ultrasound scan data listed on their back cards. Yes, numbers vary from tech to tech, but if the same tech did them all....
I would like to see all bulls over 12 months of age have a current semen check. I would like to see all females be bred past 14 months of age. Yeah, yeah, yeah, spare me the excuse of "she is in a flush program...."
I would like to see the genetic defect status of every female or bull regardless of age, unless they are shown in a market class (terminal).
I would like to see a show judged by a feeder calf buyer and a small time breeder (get the commercial aspect and the ecomonmic aspects all in one show - imagine that!)
I would like to see drug test for every top five, regardless of class. I don't care if it is a bull, heifer, steer. Test for everything.
I would like to parental verification for every bull and female champion.
Finally, I would like to see the price paid for the steers on their backcard. Useless information, but wouldn't it be fun!