VA Tech Has Changed Everything

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Well-known member
Mar 22, 2007
Interestingly this morning on the news I heard that an administration building received a strange phone call that was then translated in to a bomb threat at VA Tech.  Now I thought this was aweful and was kinda upset at the blatant disrespect someone had pursued but that was only the first story.  I go to college about 20 mins from Rochester. A: its one of the highest murder rates per capita in the country but B: it has some of the best colleges in the nations as far as research.  Well,at another college nearby they decided to do a security sweep and in a guys room they found to "large firearms", they went to his vehicle and found boxes upon boxes of ammunition.  This when it really hit home, people from this area already had died at VA Tech but if you ask me this kid was planning something too.  My girlfriend is a Resident Assistant in the dorms and they have been instructed to keep themselves out of harms way at all costs.  According to her the policies of this college are going to change dramatically.  I'll let you all know what changes as soon as I find out.  This whole deal is still shaking me up.



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
wow! Let us know what happens.

I just find it interesting though that one of the first things that is brought up after this is gun control. ???



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
two interesting points brought up.  was the large firearm a hunting rifle that the guy always carriers and was the ammo regular ammo?  i went to an ag school, and granted, this was 20 years ago, but rancher kids had their hunting rifles in the windows.  two.  yes, we better do something.  in the twin towers, they actually told people to stay in the towers at first.  more is coming out about mr. hui.  parents need to demand from schools, that when your kids are freaked out about their safety, to demand that the threat be removed by someone other than administrators, otherwise, the administrators get killed to.  these people go after all who wronged them and it's time survival instincts were listened to.  you give your approval for tax dollars by sending your kids to school based on attendence, and of course people will try to sue to disallow the right to feel threatened, but it's time to push back.  things would have been different in cambodia if those people had the means to defend themselves.  same with darfur etc.  the first step to communism is to disarm the public.  i'm sure that this played a factor in mr. hui's rationalization that he knew no one had guns on campus, not even the cops, there was a big debate in the virginina local news about it and i'm sure he knew there would be no defense.  if someone looks into your eyes to determine if you are promiscuous, this is an attempt to invade your space and gauge your reaction.  report space invasion behavior immediately to school authorities.  this is also bully behavior, which is kind of on the opposite end of the spectrum as far as mental space invasion.  be alert, survive and thrive.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2007
They did not say but I can only speculate that these were no hunting rifles, or if they were that is not what they were gunn be used for because the kid attends RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology).  Not to many people that attend hunt, this is just from the people i know that go there.  Mostly engineers and really intelligent kids none that busy themselves with the outdoors too much.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
the thing that has changed is, yes we can, and yes we will

Cho (whose full name is pronounced joh sung-wee) appears first to have alarmed the noted Virginia Tech poet Nikki Giovanni in a creative writing class in fall 2005, Giovanni said.
Cho took pictures of fellow students during class and wrote about death, she said in an interview. “Kids write about murder and suicide all the time. But there was something that made all of us pay attention closely. None of us were comfortable with that,” she said.
The students once recited their poems in class. “It was like, ‘What are you trying to say here?’ It was more sinister,” she said.
Days later, seven of Giovanni’s 70 or so students showed up for a class. She asked them why the others didn’t show up and was told that they were afraid of Cho.
“Once I realized my class was scared, I knew I had to do something,” she said.
She approached Cho and told him that he needed to change the type of poems he was writing or drop her class. Giovanni said Cho declined to leave and said, “You can’t make me.”


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
NW Arkansas
Like  nothing else, I'd like to ask him, "Why"? After he recieves treatment for his illness.

Don't think he should get to sell a book from prison, though.


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2007
gallup New Mexico
what makes me mad is they to this stuff and then they find out that there was all these warning signs. they should have done something or kicked him out of school after he wrote all that stuff. that teacher tried to in 2005 what happend after that, do the teachers not care anymore? when i was living in the dorms our R.A's checked our rooms all the time, how would you miss that many guns in a dorm room.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2007
First, he is dead so no books will ever be written by him (not trying to be hostile).  Two, they were handguns which are easily hidden and at or school at least the RAs may not enter our rooms without permision, the police or a warrant so thats kinda rules that out.  Third, they announced today that the kid in my area who had guns in his room yeah the guns were two assault rifles and he had enough ammo to take on the Chinese army.

I hope I did not offend anyone these are just the facts I can gather.



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Whoa not here.  I was an RA and we were able to key in for something like a stereo or alarm clock left on, but even that took a lot of hassle.  I think residence managers could as well, but again, not just random checks.  Even police needed to be let in by the students.  And from an RAs perspective, I'm guessing that he or she noticed that he was a quiet kid without friends and had concerns about that, but no one ever expects the worst like this.  No one.