Vote against hsus....

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Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Might sound minor to some, but you might want to show Pepsi, and hsus how you feel about the hsus signing up for a Pepsi grant to "help abused and neglected animals".
I think we are all aware of the fact that the hsus gives only $1 for every $200 donated to actual care of animals. So......
Go to the following site and vote for anyone BUT the hsus (under the $250,000 heading) AND THEY ARE IN THE LEAD! 
While your there, check out all the worthy ideas..... a lot better than supporting the hsus and their retirement funds.



Well-known member
Jul 27, 2007
Carthage MO
I voted yesterday.  I am appalled with at the needy charities out there that the majority of the ones winning the money are the HSUS and other rescue organizations.  I think that the people in this country care more for animals than they do their fellow human beings.  I guess that this is why the HSUS is winning on the farming front!


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2010
my daughter has cf and they are now closer to a solution than they have ever been. I really encourage everyone to vote. I did talk to a pepsi rep and he was shocked that the number one spot was about cats and dogs. His response was that it is supposed to be about education, etc. and he is going to talk to "the guys" about it. Please vote on this because it really will help make a difference.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2010
I have been voting all week, our local cattle group sent the e-mail out to members to vote against HSUS and for a better cause. Never thought to post it here...duh!

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Thanks for voting everyone! Keep it up
I feel this is important, but.... I was told in a  PM that I am a negative, horrible person for always "posting negative things about government or groups". So, I guess I shall hang my head in shame and feel bad about posting against the h s u s. Shame on me. shame, shame, shame. (Ok, that probably won't happen....)  ;D

Oakie, keep us posted on what "the guys" at pepsi say.

Your Welcome Trevorgreycattle! Pass the word along!
Your Welcome Rocky Hill! Thanks for posting on facebook... I am not that "advanced"!

Remember to vote often. If I remember you can vote everyday!

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
Show Heifer said:
Thanks for voting everyone! Keep it up
I feel this is important, but.... I was told in a  PM that I am a negative, horrible person for always "posting negative things about government or groups". So, I guess I shall hang my head in shame and feel bad about posting against the h s u s. Shame on me. shame, shame, shame. (Ok, that probably won't happen....)  ;D

Oakie, keep us posted on what "the guys" at pepsi say.

Your Welcome Trevorgreycattle! Pass the word along!
Your Welcome Rocky Hill! Thanks for posting on facebook... I am not that "advanced"!

Remember to vote often. If I remember you can vote everyday!

Yes, everyone keep voting I know I did. There are some worthy causes that Pepsi has nominated. Some of those childhood disease are absolutely horrendous.

As far as other parts of the above post .....there's your sign. Grow up.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
Hey Show Heifer---never hang your head for doing anything in opposition to HSUS.

An operative from HSUS recently smuggled a camera inside a turkey hatchery and made a video about how turkey poults are mistreated, etc. and have released it conveniently just before Thanksgiving.    The company that owns this hatchery is a very good reputable company and the sensationalism and outright lies from this video could cost them and the industry a lot and give the public an absolutely warped view of what really is going on the hatcheries.    I guess that's their goal!!     


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
I dont get them. Other than monetary motives I can't see how this is a worthy campaign. I mean really ,what do they want the american farmer to do? Less than 1% of our population are farmers and we are feeding the largest population in the history of our country. Our society demands cheap food but thinks nothing of paying 40,000 for a SUV. Maddening. When farmers have figured out ways to still stay in business and provide the food as safely as possible on a scale this large. Yet it still is not enough. City folks may as well be on another planet. I would like to see them get by if we just decided to strike lol. I wonder how that SUV would taste?

My animals eat before I do. I'm sure most on here, if not all, are the same. It's the mo mo's like the guy pitchforkin the dairy calf that makes the news, not the ones doing it right. Thats boring.


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2010
Thanks for the votes, it is neat to see so many people voting on an internet topic that might actually help out. When you spend a bit of time in a childrens hospital you see some terrible things happening to little babies, so I know it could be worse. They are on the brink of coming up with a solution in pill form that will take away the need for the enzymes and will aleviate all of the is not a cure, just something to make life more comfortable and should be available in 5 years.


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2010
Show Heifer said:
Thanks for voting everyone! Keep it up
I feel this is important, but.... I was told in a  PM that I am a negative, horrible person for always "posting negative things about government or groups". So, I guess I shall hang my head in shame and feel bad about posting against the h s u s. Shame on me. shame, shame, shame. (Ok, that probably won't happen....)  ;D

Oakie, keep us posted on what "the guys" at pepsi say.

Your Welcome Trevorgreycattle! Pass the word along!
Your Welcome Rocky Hill! Thanks for posting on facebook... I am not that "advanced"!

Remember to vote often. If I remember you can vote everyday!

This is one of the rare opportunities to have a worth while post that shouldn't become about we leave it that way and put aside petty differences............


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2009
firesweepranch said:
I have been voting all week, our local cattle group sent the e-mail out to members to vote against HSUS and for a better cause. Never thought to post it here...duh!
I voted against and also sent email to pepsi to let them know I wont ever spend a dime on their products if HSUS gets anything from them.  I don't think voting is enough.  You can find a link to email them on their page.  Get word out to do the same!!