VOTE obama OUT !

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
buckeye said:
I helped to paint my state BLUE .... Thats right I voted for Obama and PROUD OF IT.... thank you


I will keep you informed beginning Thursday on how many people in my county who will have their homes foreclosed upon that have paid for them 10-15 years because they have no jobs appreciate it too. I so appreciate you re electing an administration that states it wants gasoline prices to be at European levels ($10 a gallon). All the people that will lose their jobs due to cuts in military spending will soon be writing you thank you letters as well so go buy a bigger mail box. We can thank you enough for the income tax increase coming in January or the devaluation of our money that gives us 25% less buying power than we had Jan 20, 2009. I just don't know how to thank all the people in OH and IA for doing this for us. But one way I promise to thank them is to remember when I go to buy calves or tell people where to get calves, I will be conveniently forgetting that OH and IA even exist.


Well-known member
Oct 19, 2008
clarington, ohio
Thats great maybe you can outsource jobs just like Romney wanted to do  (clapping) and as I have stated before its America we all have the right to vote for whoever we would like. We all are never going to agree on everything!!!


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2007
buckeye said:
I helped to paint my state BLUE .... Thats right I voted for Obama and PROUD OF IT.... thank you


I will keep you informed beginning Thursday on how many people in my county who will have their homes foreclosed upon that have paid for them 10-15 years because they have no jobs appreciate it too. I so appreciate you re electing an administration that states it wants gasoline prices to be at European levels ($10 a gallon). All the people that will lose their jobs due to cuts in military spending will soon be writing you thank you letters as well so go buy a bigger mail box. We can thank you enough for the income tax increase coming in January or the devaluation of our money that gives us 25% less buying power than we had Jan 20, 2009. I just don't know how to thank all the people in OH and IA for doing this for us. But one way I promise to thank them is to remember when I go to buy calves or tell people where to get calves, I will be conveniently forgetting that OH and IA even exist.

Bet your a real hoot when you lose in the showring


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
I'm not about going around and killing babies and using state or federal dollars to do so but rape is not a form of conception. I have also seen first hand how birth control and planned parenthood is needed. Yes abstinence should be practiced by young people but has it ever nope. Should parents watch more of what their children do yep but we need these things. I have seen in the last uear at the school I work at 10a girls walking around pregnant.  2 of them have siblings at home with children. I also had two future dads in class one of which was on child number 2. In my all senior class most kids were born to parents when they were 16 to 18. To keep these people from ruining their lives forever and being on state funding. They need to have every option available to them. It might sound wrong but even if they put a baby up for adoption someone has to pay for the birth. Planned parenthood needs to be there.


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2008
buckeye said:
I helped to paint my state BLUE .... Thats right I voted for Obama and PROUD OF IT.... thank you


I will keep you informed beginning Thursday on how many people in my county who will have their homes foreclosed upon that have paid for them 10-15 years because they have no jobs appreciate it too. I so appreciate you re electing an administration that states it wants gasoline prices to be at European levels ($10 a gallon). All the people that will lose their jobs due to cuts in military spending will soon be writing you thank you letters as well so go buy a bigger mail box. We can thank you enough for the income tax increase coming in January or the devaluation of our money that gives us 25% less buying power than we had Jan 20, 2009. I just don't know how to thank all the people in OH and IA for doing this for us. But one way I promise to thank them is to remember when I go to buy calves or tell people where to get calves, I will be conveniently forgetting that OH and IA even exist.
While I agree with many of your opinions GONEWEST, to penalize club calf producers in IA and OH due to Romney's inability to win those states makes no sense. I would guess the majority of ag people in both states voted "R". While I'm frustrated with the outcome of this election as well, I think your decision to "boycott" IA and OH cattlemen is a bit over the top. There's plenty of blame to go around for this loss....


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
The organization should be called unplanned parenthood.

Also it's pretty clear a pregnancy can occur after rape.

It's also pretty clear that there are enough rich democrats to fund unplanned parenthood and that it is a goal to FORCE people pay for it that don't agree with it by funding other programs of unplanned parenthood which as everyone knows comes from one budget but go to great lengths to say it doesn't matter. The goal is to take money from those who disagree with generic you by politicians as a form of a penalty.

Both sides do it and we have allowed ourselves to elect a multi person king  and are to stupid at this point to even recognize it.

I hear French in the distant and getting closer except now it's Spanish.

Ain't gonna be pretty.



Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
Wall street is not liking the election results, have a look at how the stock market futures opened up this morning. man, do we really have to put up with 4 more yrs of this? at least we can go to colo or washington state and stay high for 4 years legally (sick joke).


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
Anyone looking for showsteers who has never heard of the quality in Iowa or Ohio is probably someone you don't want to send your best animals to anyway, so I bet the people in those states thank you GONEWEST


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2010
under the X in Texas
I just pray to God that you are still proud of yourself in four years.  I don't know whats fixing to happen to our country but I'm scared :-\

I own two businesses and run cattle....

On a side note, I can't find labor for ten dollars an hour anymore.  They can get paid more by the government for being unemployed.  If you can get them to work they want cash so they don't loose their food stamps and medicaid.  Most of the labor that will work just live with their girlfriend (Wife) who has 4 or 5 kids. She sits at home and gets taken care of by the government while he works.  They get food stamps and medicaid for the five kids on top of his check.  Yep the have the system figured out.

buckeye said:
I helped to paint my state BLUE .... Thats right I voted for Obama and PROUD OF IT.... thank you


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2008
Sad, sad day in America.  My two grandkids will be studying history one of these days and say, How and why did America let this happen?  My 1st  stop on way home today is fill up pickup gas tank before it hits five bucks a gallon - hope I make it in time.  Drilling rigs in Texas and Oklahoma are fixing to come to a screeching halt, as are thousands of jobs.  Second stop is Academy's sports store - hope they aren't sold out of handguns and ammo while I'm at work today - pick up a couple more and two or three baskets of ammo.  Our Second Amendment rights were flushed down the toilet last night.  As the saying here in Texas goes, he can try and take my guns but it will be prying them out of my cold, dead fingers.  May turn out to be more of a reality than a saying.  need to go say a prayer for my grandkids now.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
The genius of the system our founding fathers created is its checks and balances.  The reality is not too much will change - for better or worse - since the Republicans control the House.  Our gun rights arent in real danger.  Taxes will go up a little, spending will go down, just not enough to make a significant difference.  One of our biggest concerns as farmers/ranchers is the estate tax.  I pray they raise the limits up from the $1 million that goes into effect Jan 1.  That limit is a huge threat to the continuity of small family operations.


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2008
Robert, I'll try and have a better attitude - may take a few days.  Right with you on the estate tax.  And guns - NRA going to need our help more than ever.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2010
SW Iowa
I seem to be a THREAD KILLER on this website whenever I get in on a conversation.  So I am going to try to put my curse on this THREAD. 
I had a lot of problems with the plans on BOTH sides-- nothing is going to be fixed overnight and I am TIRED of this election.
We'll see if my "curse" works.

Let's go back to talking about Beef.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Hint. Don't open thread. Plenty of options. Perhaps even START a thread rather than try and end one.

Logic fail. Yawn.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
chambero said:
The genius of the system our founding fathers created is its checks and balances.  The reality is not too much will change - for better or worse - since the Republicans control the House.  Our gun rights arent in real danger.  Taxes will go up a little, spending will go down, just not enough to make a significant difference.  One of our biggest concerns as farmers/ranchers is the estate tax.  I pray they raise the limits up from the $1 million that goes into effect Jan 1.  That limit is a huge threat to the continuity of small family operations.

Very true.  We face the same challenges and opprotunities today that we did four years ago - we got through the last four alright, we'll get through the next four just the same.



Well-known member
Aug 24, 2009
For me...I just find it a little depressing that the way I was raised with a strong work ethic and personal responsibility is becoming a thing of the past.  I guess I have to rethink  my philosophy on life since it now seems so contrary to what this liberal country has become. 


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2007
Seems to me that I heard the same arguments and complaints 4 years ago. "The sky is falling", They're going to take our guns", "the man wants to be dictator" and so on and so on. I haven't seen any tanks rolling down our road, I can still go to church when and where I choose, evryone should be well stocked with guns and ammo after stocking up 4 years ago, and yesterday we still  got to go to the polls and vote for whom we selected to vote for. The problems the country has isn't the fault of just the democrats, it take 2 to tango. The elections over, like both Obama and Romney and several others have said it's time to work together. Maybe they will now since our most important objective the next 4 years won't be to make Obama a one term president!