Walks Alone and Believe in Me calf temperament

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
We're feeding a BIM now, and he's just fine.  We didn't get him 'til he was almost a year old and he was just green broke.  He's always been gentle, though he was a little jumpy at first he got past that pretty quickly.  He's actually one of those with a really neat personality, sweet natured and a big ham.  I wouldn't be afraid to use BIM - in fact I plan on using him some this fall.

We have a late spring born MAB.  Haven't tried to halter him yet, but he's very calm and quiet.


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2007
7357 N. Base Rd. Seymour, IN
I have raised 2 BIM heifers and both of them have been very gentle.  The heifer born this Spring was just weaned on Sunday.  By Tuesday with little work i was combing all over her.  She is very gentle and friendly to say the least.  She is out of a gentle Meyer 734 cow and quite nice to look at also. My nephew showed a WA x Angus steer this summer.  He was a little spooky acting, but never caused any problem on a halter or at shows.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
The ranch we get calves from had 8 WA hiefers from a flush, 4 were middle of the road, 2 were stand offish
one was like a puppy, came right up to you in the field, the last one was a complete idiot, more you worked with her the crazier she got. I helped akid pick one out, it was between the puppy dog and the idiot, at the time she was just spooky, I told him I would take the puppy dog, she was a touch younger but had all the right parts for a market heifer, he chose the other. 2 months later, a broken nose and some soar ribs ( the kid and his advisor) she was in the trailer going back to the ranch. Never stopped kicking and slamming into the sides of the trailer the 300 mile ride.


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2009
Valley Mills, Texas
I have had over 30 Walks Alone calves over the past couple of years and most have been just fine temperament wise.  Out of the bunch, I have had one steer calf and one heifer calf that were excitable to the point of not being much fun to have around.  On the other end, I have had several that were ranch pets. 