I was watching his Denver video and it showed where Wade Rodgers owned part of him. Why dont we see Wade advertise him anymore? Did he sell his interest? Why?
The bull did not quite pan out, i never had any but a neighbor had some, didn't work the way people thought he would. Lotta good reports on him in Denver that year, i saw him in May at Nichols and wasn't a big fan. Not sure if they sold him or let him fade away. But s@#t happens eh
Wasn't he a full sib to Immortal? We had one Immortal calf a few years back that had zero hair...out of a cow that usually throws nice hair. Heard similar reports from other breeders that were disappointed they ever used him. I am guessing Walks On Water did the same thing. I believe Walks On Water might be selling in the Boneso dispersal here soon.