Looking to purchase a registered shorthorn bull; big enough to breed cows by June, per a roan or white, but other colors would do. I also would like him to be able to breed virgin heifers. I am located in southeastern Indiana.
Have a roan April at Dmcc-Kansas-Spring , summer, and 3-5 days into weaning pictures below-Hes an Alm Chiller out of a Jr Walker cow-clean all around by pedigree. He has had 2 maternal sisters-$2400-and $3700, and a steer brother
We have 59 performance tested Shorthorn yearling bulls on offer on April 17th at the Sun Country Bull Sale, Kisbey, SK. We can help arrange transportation, and will probably have loads heading into the midwest states. Contact myself or uluru for more details. I think this offering is one of our best sets ever!
We have a white October yearling bull selling on the Crossroads Production sale in the first part of April in LaSalle IL. He was reserve grand champion horned bull at the 2009 IL State Fair.
Hello we have a 1800 to 2000lb solid white shorthorn bull that is registered he is about 5ys old. His calves range from 60 to 80 lbs. If you are interested let us know. We are located in Ohio
You may be in luck. If you go to our website www.diamondmshorthorns.com and under seedstock for sale, scroll down and take a look at Casino.
I promise he is a total outcross to anything out there. He is calving ease and polled. I also got some new shots of him this weekend that I was planning on posting on here by tomorrow, but may be able to get them emailed to you tonight.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
PS. I am attaching a couple of shots here that were taken back in October.
gregb said:
Looking to purchase a registered shorthorn bull; big enough to breed cows by June, per a roan or white, but other colors would do.
Fox Shorthorns have one they are sellin at the Michigan Beef expo.. You should check him out... He is a GREY GOOSE x SS REVIVIAL bull, solid white and should make some good show steers and heifers....
Ihave aaugust all white bull out of a eskimo joe son that is very thick and big boned I am asking 1200.00 for him If interested call (740 ) 546-4378 or my cell is (740) 827-5405 I am in ohio.
I have the bull for you, he is a Studers Pretender son, 3 years old, roan, calves extremely easy has a 70lb birth weight. I want to retain either 1/2 or all semen rights. Call 937.547.9227