This is my 15 year old daughters 2nd year to show. Up until last year she had done competition dance (think DanceMoms). We were both ready for a break and since we farm for a living she thought showing cattle would be fun, plus it made her dad happy. While I sorta miss the dance I LOVE the show cattle atmosphere, however I think we jumped off one crazy train and got on board another. We have built a Showbarn with a cool room, bought a new Show trailer, have bought two nice $$$ calves and are still looking for the Ringer. I know other people (relatives) think we have lost our minds. We were spending about $10,000.00 a year on dance and decided we needed to cut back. Ha, if we only spent that much on the show stuff that would be cheap. but she's the baby and it's something she, her dad, and I enjoy and can do together. I would much rather know that on a Friday night we are washing calves getting ready for a show then not know where she is. She has made lots of friends from all over the tri-state area at shows and camp. Unless we have a major derailment, I guess this train will run for the next three years. Choo Choo