chambero said:For something of this magnitude, you can be certain that a full-scale mock up of this compound exists somewhere that these soldiers/sailors have been training at. We were only going to get one chance at it.
You can be certain that we struck it as soon as we knew Bin Laden was really there. We were only going to get to do this once. It's obvious the Pakistan military (at least parts of it) knew about this place and sheltered him. We couldn't launch an assault like this and let it fail. Pakistan has no choice but to go along with it now and play dumb since we got him - had it failed there would be he** to pay for us essentially invading them.
I don't think any criticism of Obama or anyone else in the administration is warranted. We should be as happy for Obama as we would Bush. I was pleased that Obama called Bush to let him know we got him. In all honesty, a lot of credit should be given to Obama for keeping Gates as Defense Secretary. Not many presidents would have done that.
I'm guessing Bin Laden's idea of the perfect funeral didn't include getting fed to the fish.
I figured we'd get Bin Laden someday, I never figured we would know for sure and certainly not actually get his body. Politics aside, our military - under a long line of Republican and Democrat presidents and congresses - has developed (through government contracts) and utilized some amazing technology and soldiers to let us pull something like this off.
Great job by America's special forces, and the intelligence and diplomacy that was used to take out this evil to the world. He killed people from from every race and religion, and killed more Muslims than anyone else. More evil will come, but maybe removing this ONE evil, can start mending scars left behind.