A little about me: Red nailed me as far as Taz goes.....I have been known to, well.....attack the un-attackable, and just tear into something!!!

Maybe that isn't so good sometimes!
I live on the family farm that has been in my family name for 165 years. I was raised with cattle and sheep. And still have both! Both my parents were in education, Dad being a high school teacher (he was also an Air Force Pilot), Mom being a elementary librarian. I was my Dad's shadow growing up. I was big into the animals and attempting to do field work (plowing wasn't pretty....my debute and finale was the same day!!! :

) I loved it all.
I attended college and got my BS degree in Animal Science with genetics and repro as my "emphasis". Whatever thats worth! My real education came from doing chores everyday and solving problems first hand! I am sure we all know about that!
I was big into 4-H and showed about everything I could (I even showed a pig! and chickens!!) Oh my!
I took my share of purples, but never really "got cut throat." I loved every minute of it. Made millions of memories and hundreds of friends. ( And I am sure, a few enamies!)
I can't spell either, never could!!!
Growing up, I would wander around the pastures. Playing in creeks, picking up frogs (I like frogs) and going barefoot in "farm mud" usually with a green tint to it! We alway had pets, I can name every one of them. :'(
I even raised a litter of skunks....Dad had hay conditioned their mother and when he went around again, he saw the babies curled up against their dead momma. So he stopped, put them in his pockets (all six of them) and surprised me with them at lunch time! I raised them until they dug their way out of their pen and off they went. My job was done!
Best b-day gift was a black horse for my 8th. We taught each other how to ride and a lot more!
I baled hay, detassled corn, and walked beans.
I learned to drive a truck in a hay field, and learned how to back a trailer in a hay field with bales in it. I only hit a few!
I drove a tractor before I drove a truck. And my first car was a Tempo (pathetic huh?)
I love to fly, and have traveled overseas a couple of times.
I played sports, but sucked at them all! Still play a few games of softball and volleyball. But hurt afterwards!!

And I LOVE to cook. Anything. Roast, grilling, desserts, breads (thanks Gypsy for that recipe) and have been known to make a mean chocolate fudge pie.

Everything I know, and everything I am (good and bad) I owe to the farm upbringing. I don't back down much (ya'll figured that out already huh?) and I stand behind my words. Dad taught me early that anyone can take anything from you, but only you can give your reputation away. I live by that everyday. (clapping)
I have enjoyed "meeting" all you guys/gals and hope to meet many more!!!