Weight gain

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Dec 3, 2017
If I weigh in a steer May 4th at 500 pounds, what’s the best way to get him to 1050 by October 1st?? Ralgro implants, bulk feeder etc??
Thank you


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2010
Middle TN
Should be no problem hitting that weight. 2-2.5% of body weight of any 14% premixed grower feed available to you. Lots of ways to get where you want to be. Just feed him and keep the water tank clean.


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
Research the board, but some general things to keep in mind are to feed twice a day, same time every day.  Manage your bunk -- give him 30 minutes to eat and then clean up any feed that is left after that amount of time.  Tie him in a barn under fans during the day.  In the evening, let him out for say 15-20 minutes of exercise -- if you have a large pen, use a stock whip or poker stick to drive him and keep him moving to get the exercise time in.  Then feed and he should be hungry.

Increase ration gradually, like half a pound per feeding for several days, then bump it again.  You want him to never overeat and go off feed.  That is why bunk management is so important.  Long stem grass hay helps guard against digestive upset.  A lot of show feeds have quite a bit of fiber in them with cottonseed hulls, etc., but you might add some rumafill or similar type feed to the grain ration to increase the fiber if needed.  However, you don't want to overdo it to extent you replace the grain he needs to gain.  Weigh him every couple of weeks at same time of day if you have a scale handy so you can figure out how his daily gain is going.  Key is to never let him have a bad day and he will stay on track.  If he goes off feed, then you have to get his rumen balanced out from the acidosis and gradually work him back onto it.  This is where Rumafill or similar high fiber feed additives can help as you reduce the fiber additive and increase the show feed.

I have been out of the game for a few years, so I'm sure others can chime in with more up to date info.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
Like Gowyo said it can be done if you manage him right, any set back and you are going to be in a tight spot. The calf needs to gain 3.7 pounds a day, He has to be on feed and stay on feed, you need to start him off right, this is the time you want to bring him up to full slowly. If he has not been on feed at all and you plan on feeding 3% of his body weight, 15 pounds, I would start him off with a good grower feed and start with 3 pounds and all the hay he wants 2 times a day (6# a day), if he does good there, after 3-4 days bump it up a pound a feeding 8# pounds a day for a few more days and add a pound a day again as long as he is not showing any signs of the feed bothering him, loose stool, bloat, loss of appetite. repeat this process until you reach the 15 pounds a day. As he gains weight you will need to increase the feed to stay at 3%, I find it easier to increase it at certain points, it might be at every 70 pounds gained then you increase it a 1 pound a feeding. Managing and feeding one is the hardest part of the project, I would probably add a pound a day of Stabilized Rice bran as well for the added energy.

Watch him close and ask plenty of questions through out the project, any change you see you will want to address it immediately, if you wait to see if it gets better, it might be to late. We also give them dry probios 2 times a week just to keep their gut right.

Good luck