OK, I have a CharX cow that is due any day now. Well, I have been watching her frequently-checked her 4 times already this morning. Well, went outside about hr ago (which was 1hr from last check) and the cow was laying down and had a buzzards on her and around her....so I hopped in truck and flew out to where she was at. She hops up and takes off walking...and rear end has blood all over it. The buzzards then take off...no baby calf on the ground...so I am like what's the deal. Lone and behold, looking momma to be over- the last 3-4inches of her tail are gone. Some how, some way she had it cut/bit/chewed off. Called vet to check with him, and he's out of the office till 4. So gotta wait....the buzzards are gone, the cow is laying down, and I'm waiting.