I was raised buying my calves, didn't live on a farm, rented space to raise them. My dad, sisters and I did all the work.....I remember hearing more than once from my dad "this isn't my project, if you aren't going to do the work, we aren't going to do it." Those were some of the best days I had growing up,learned how to work, learned how to win, learned how to lose, when I had my "teenage attitude" working on calves, was the only time my dad and I could talk and had some of the best times together. Never bought a steer for more than $1500. Doing the same with my kids, setting a price limit. Will we ever win the big one? Time will tell. We have done great with our calves, have been acused at the county level of spending too much money and guess what the $1500 limit still works for me. (even showed the detractors the cancelled check on the purchase) Just try to find calves that will work for us, feed them right, try to fit them to the best of our ability, and it is our family.....all of us that work on the calves together. My daughters have won the county more than once, beat some higher dollar animals at the Beef Expo and have been beat bad by more expensive and less expensive. We do not complain about what someone else pays, if they can afford it and it works for them more power to them. We set our limits, set our goals, work hard, learn something new, make new friends and try to enjoy every minute of our showing and 4-H experience............OH yeah and we are competitive every year.......nothing wrong or bad about being aggressive and making something out of nothing. <beer>