What are you going to pay for bulls this year?

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Mill Iron A

Well-known member
Jul 12, 2011
In evaluating the current marketplace with good young commercial cows bringing $3,000 a piece, what are people going to pay for bulls? My concern is credit. High cattle prices are good, but they are great if you are debt free. If you deal with a banker like most people, are they going to let you drop $6k average on your sire battery? In coinciding with this idea I have some red angus donor cows that I'm considering writing a contract for bull buyers. You take a look at my donor line up, phenotype then data, then you pick the sire. I put in eggs deliver bulls either at weaning or ready to go at an agreed upon price. The nice thing about this is it could extend out to be durham red (which I guess is a fopaw term now but still sounds betther than shorthorn x red angus), Simangus, Balancer, Lim-flex etc. What are your thoughts?


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
#1 thing they teach you on the advantages of a.i

I'll be paying 25 dollars per bull this fall from bovine elite


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2014
Delburne Alberta
In a strengthening cattle market the value of bulls is going to increase. I've always budgeted up to the price of 5 commercial calves that year as my budget per bull. That being said a general rule of thumb from my grandpa is for every thousand spent on a bull is a calf crop u need from said bull to pay his way. So keep in mind bulls longevity in your herd when spending bigger dollars.