What bulls work best for Angus cattle?

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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
Rankranch as well as why can't you breed an Angus to clubby and get a great one, then used Monopoly as an example. Once he finds his direction it will be easier to suggest bulls, for steers Heatwave is a legitimate suggestion.


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2010
under the X in Texas
Yes I agree or a terminal heifer...

vc said:
Rankranch as well as why can't you breed an Angus to clubby and get a great one, then used Monopoly as an example. Once he finds his direction it will be easier to suggest bulls, for steers Heatwave is a legitimate suggestion.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
My experience, for what it's worth, is that Angus (or any other pb British cows), no matter how good they are, just won't consistently throw as much power out of the same bulls as cows that have some clubby type breeding in their own background.  It just takes more than one generation to get the kind of bone and sheer mass (and hair) that it takes to win these days.  If you breed 10 good pb Angus cows to a good clubby bull, you'll get the pattern you're looking for, maybe the size you're looking for, but only one or two steers with enough power to show - and they may never quite make it to the top because they're still not as big boned and stout and hairy as the double bred clubbies.  Granted, if you breed 10 good clubby cows to the same clubby bull you might get a couple that aren't sound enough to show, but your odds are better of raising a really good one and the chances of raising more calves that will sell for show prospects are much greater.  The females and the sale barn calves out of the Angus cows will almost certainly be worth more.

I do think you can get that "clubby type" cow with an F1 Maine Angus, Simmi Angus or Charolais Angus cross, if they're the right type.  It's just easier (and prob'ly cheaper) these days to find clubby bred females. 

Edit to add - DSCSD, when you try to put the widest, deepest calf you can in a moderate framed 1350# package, some dimension has to be sacrificed, so length has been it.  Thankfully most, but sure not all, major show judges have backed away from using the thickest and deepest (thus smallest framed) ones just because, so maybe someday they'll start caring about length again.


Well-known member
Oct 19, 2014
South Dakota
Now that's a bit more of a detailed reason. Thank you. But for me the best and only cut of steak worth mentioning is a Filet Minion ... no bone no fat just meat... now ill admit im not the sharpest tool in the shed.... but it seems like we are losing out on some good Filets. I think length of body is not something any good judge should give up. We are allowing these crossed to the wall bull owners to take this industry where they want. Everyone losses focus on what the man goal is here. Im sad that I have to raise my kids in something like that... its not now I was raised.... but showing cattle is to thick in my blood