What do I tell my Little girl

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Aug 25, 2009
We went to the carcass show and it went well. Her steer was one of the two that were out for the presentation ( 1.7 yield grade and a 16.2 loin ) so there wasn't a decision to go see him or not. But the judge talked for 10 min about her calf and she felt pretty good when we left. She even had me take a picture of her next to him. She is already looking forward to looking for next years calf. Another life lesson learned and a proud moment for dad!


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2010
We started out being very open and honest about steers being harvested at  the end of the project period. Our daughter's first "show" steer was named Ribeye which served as a constant reminder of the end product.  Yes, we all shed a tear when it came time to take him to the processing plant...just our nature...but she, and now her younger sister, unload their "show" steers at the processing plant as proud, proud producers.  Yes... we all still tend to shed a few tears at some point that last day, but focusing on the memories made coupled and the overwhelming sense of pride they have for their projects keeps it all in perspective. 