What Do People Of Colorado Think Of This?

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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
Chances are nate53 most do not have guns for hunting that carry 15 rounds, they are boycotting based on principle. The people who think they will have more access to hunting with other hunters not coming to their state will wonder why their state no longer has the funds it needs to enhance, protect or manage its wildlife, soon.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2011
North East, Missouri
vc said:
Chances are nate53 most do not have guns for hunting that carry 15 rounds, they are boycotting based on principle. The people who think they will have more access to hunting with other hunters not coming to their state will wonder why their state no longer has the funds it needs to enhance, protect or manage its wildlife, soon.
Good Point!


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
This is still a case of cutting off your nose to spite your face. 

For those that don't actually hunt big game in Western states like Colorado, the demand for licenses dramatically outweighs the number actually available.  For years there has been tremendous tension between out-of-state hunters and resident hunters on who gets how many of the tags.  There is essentially a lottery system in every state and most have what's called  a preference point system where you have to pay for points to give you a better chance of drawing a bull elk or mule deer buck tag.  For example, in really good deer or elk spots in Colorado, it usually takes 5-10 years of trying before you can actually draw a tag.  A bull elk tag in Colorado is $581 this year for a nonresident, a buck tag is $351.  Residents pay $46 and $31 for those same tags respectively.  Most of the hunting occurs on federal public land owned by the U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management.  The state actually spends very little money on habitat management. I just got through 30 minutes ago plunking down a little over $1,000 in license application fees for Colorado for hunting seasons next fall for me and my boys. 

It takes years of patience and money to seriously hunt states like Colorado, unless you want to spend a whole lot of money to circumvent the license draw process and buy tags allocated to large private ranches.  People hunting on those types of ranches and ones huting with outfitters make up a pretty small percentage of the total number of people hunting elk and mule deer in the state.  NONE of the people that routinely hunt the state will boycott because of this law.  There are a lot of nonresidents that just buy over-the-counter tags that are available for some units that might stay home - but those guys typically never venture far from their pickup and never kill anything anyway (success rates for bull elk are around 20% overall in most parts of the state).  Those guys are just looking for a good excuse to stay home anyway because it is very expensive to go.  You'd be surprise how crowded it can get in parts of Colorado with a camp of hunters every 100 yards along backcountry roads.  Most resident hunters in the state justifiably have a don't let the door hit you in the butt attitude when a nonresident threatens to stay home.  That outlook on the situation is what the author of the newspaper article was referring to. 


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
If those jaded sportsmen from out of state and right here at home really do follow through with their threats to never spend another penny on hunting and fishing in Colorado, well, the hunting and fishing just got a lot better for those who do participate."

- Scott Willoughby writes in The Denver Post

I love it.

Trophy hunts drop from 10 grand to 8 -  ::)


Well-known member
May 5, 2010
Western Colorado
I spent about an hour last night visiting with our county sheriff, he thinks the same way as I do, these new laws are absurd. My hunters are all holding tight and keeping there hunts, they are embarrassed for me living in a state that would do something this stupid. It is merely a case of trying to put a band aid on a bruise for the appearance of doing something, regardless of the outcome. The sheriff says the laws are unenforceable and he has no plans to even try.

XBAR; my hunts will go up in prices not down, I have worked diligently to have some of the best trophy mule deer in the state and there is no reason for me to discount my hunts because of our politicians stupidity. If the rest of the outfitters don't figure out that it is the perfect time to raise their price they aren't doing their homework. Take less hunters make the same money and have better hunting.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
nate53 said:
Why does one need 15 rounds to hunt?  5 should be plenty (IMO).

why does one need 500 horsepower.  100 should be plenty
why does one need 5 kids.                     1 should be plenty
why does one need 5000 calories         1500 should be enough
why does one need a six pak?               1 bottle should be enough
why does need 536 representatives?    1 should be enough.
why does one need a forum?                     1 person should be enough
why does one need a car?                          public transportation should be enough
why does one need anything?                    only 1 person should be deciding this.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Mtnman said:
I spent about an hour last night visiting with our county sheriff, he thinks the same way as I do, these new laws are absurd. My hunters are all holding tight and keeping there hunts, they are embarrassed for me living in a state that would do something this stupid. It is merely a case of trying to put a band aid on a bruise for the appearance of doing something, regardless of the outcome. The sheriff says the laws are unenforceable and he has no plans to even try.

XBAR; my hunts will go up in prices not down, I have worked diligently to have some of the best trophy mule deer in the state and there is no reason for me to discount my hunts because of our politicians stupidity. If the rest of the outfitters don't figure out that it is the perfect time to raise their price they aren't doing their homework. Take less hunters make the same money and have better hunting.
Please let me in on the mechanisms that allows you raise prices in a time of decreased demand? ( I personally dont feel demand will change but that seems to be the consensus at least here.)

On a side note, I usually go on a few nice hunts each year.  Shoot me some info, Ive nvr tagged a mulley.


Well-known member
May 5, 2010
Western Colorado
The people that have the money to pay 7 to 10k on a hunt really don't care where they go hunting if they can hunt the quality of animal that they want to hunt. Years ago I was booking 30 to 40 hunters a year and just couldn't get hunters booked because of the economy, so I lowered my number to 10 charged 3X more and had less headaches, less expense and better hunting, well this is the same thing. If I cannot book my hunts which isn't a problem this year and I don't see it as a problem in the future I will add $1500 to my hunts only sell 8 and I am money ahead.

This also brought a different class or type of hunter that was much more serious, they tipped their guides better and in general were better customers. The Jicarilla Indian reservation has a 3 year waiting list for their Mule Deer Tags and just the tags cost $23k and then you have to hire a guide on top of that, which really doesn't effect my hunts at all but gives the extreme example of what people are willing to spend on a trophy mule deer hunt.

I can actually enjoy taking folks hunting and not have the stress, and by in large the demand for true trophy mule deer becomes bigger every year. There are places you can go and take bigger deer then with me but you have better odds with me both because of the availability of tags and numbers of deer. In 2008 because of the winter in our region it severely hurt our deer herd and we are still recovering from that, but we have had some good years and big fawn crops, now those bucks are getting old enough to have some good horn growth, if we have a couple of more years our hunting will be better than it was prior to the bad winter.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Mtnman said:
The people that have the money to pay 7 to 10k on a hunt really don't care where they go hunting if they can hunt the quality of animal that they want to hunt. Years ago I was booking 30 to 40 hunters a year and just couldn't get hunters booked because of the economy, so I lowered my number to 10 charged 3X more and had less headaches, less expense and better hunting, well this is the same thing. If I cannot book my hunts which isn't a problem this year and I don't see it as a problem in the future I will add $1500 to my hunts only sell 8 and I am money ahead.
Good for you man.. great thinking.  I don't see your hunting hurting one bit as time goes on.  Best of luck.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
Please let me in on the mechanisms that allows you raise prices in a time of decreased demand?

i think it's called freedom.  perhaps you've heard of it.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
knabe said:
-XBAR- said:
Please let me in on the mechanisms that allows you raise prices in a time of decreased demand?

i think it's called freedom.  perhaps you've heard of it.

Yea, the freedom to go out of business.  Mtnman made valid explanations for how he plans to do it, but in the general market thats a recipe for disaster.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
So we should take away the freedom to go out of business?

Kind of like banks where we subsidize either bad or mandated decisions?


Well-known member
May 5, 2010
Western Colorado
-XBAR- said:
knabe said:
-XBAR- said:
Please let me in on the mechanisms that allows you raise prices in a time of decreased demand?

i think it's called freedom.  perhaps you've heard of it.

Yea, the freedom to go out of business.   Mtnman made valid explanations for how he plans to do it, but in the general market thats a recipe for disaster.

My plan does not work for big retail but for a place where there is a some what limited market it does work. A person can always price themselves out of the market easily enough, though we see the same things going on in segments of the livestock industry, specifically in the show goat market, or anything that goes along the show  lines for that matter.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
over the past 30 years in Boston, for example, 75 percent of the city’s shootings occurred in 4.5% of its area, whereas 88.5 percent of the city’s street segments experienced not a single shooting. Urban shootings are retaliatory or the product of the most trivial of slights. They are committed by handguns, not assault rifles.