I seldom work for people that I don't know pretty well. I guess I'm getting old and hard to get along with but after being out on the road for over 30 years I guess I'm entitled to that. Standard rate is $200.00 a day, plus expences - 2 meals, a place to sleep and travel expences. I will be waiting on you when you get to tie outs every morning and be the last one to leave at night. We figure one man per four head. As a general rule I would preferr that unless you know what you are doing, for you to stay out of my way and promote your cattle to the people looking at them. I will have your cattle looking as close to 12 oclock as they are capable of that day, it's your job to promote them. I will not tolerate the "crew" standing behind the stalls with a beer in their hand all day - there are beer gardens for a reason and if you are standing behind the stall with a beer in your hand you're probably not working anyway. If I bring my "crew" in we will do it all, from washing, blowing, clipping, fitting, feeding, right down to sweeping the isle behind your cattle. No radio blaring at top volume, no trash pile around the show box. We are there to represent your cattle to the best of our abilities and take the job very seriously. RW