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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2007
I've tried all kinds of different things over the years, but I will not try a pump. I've seen too many animals go down because of it.

As for practical ideas: we keep a bottle of Morton's salt in our show box. If they're eating feed we'll add some salt in to it. We also use a water filter when filling buckets. For animals that don't eat or drink, I started to buy some clear bolus capsules from Sullivan's, fill them up with salt and give them the bolus the night before. The next morning they'll drink! Another method I've used it to buy a drench gun from Sullivan's and fill it with Pedialyte. But the drench behind their tongue and hit them with the Pedialyte, it seems to get them going.

All of our tanks are on pipeline water (comes from the city), so the cattle are partially used to a little chlorine taste. If nothign else, taking the animal for a good long walk can do wonders to get them eating too.