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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
I think the man oughtta be applauded for speaking his mind. I was talking to a guy the other day, wondering how long this family would go before the media tried to tear their show apart because they had morals. I hope someone else picks their show up. Shame on a&e. It wasn't just a few years ago that presedental candidates declared a man and a woman as a unity of marriage only, now its the worst thing a person can say in public and one is all but persecuted for it.  What happened to freedom of speech?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
Decorah, IA
I do not agree with what A&E did but I do kind of laugh when people bring up the right to free speech. He has every right to say what he said,  and to tell you the truth, Im happy that he has stuck to his morals and not done what many people do once they get onto tv and tell everyone what they want to hear. But he also has the right to be held accountable for what he said. And in the back of his mind im sure he knew there would be some backlash for saying it (also a reason i commend him for saying it). Just my 2 cents


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
-XBAR- said:
Gargan said:
-XBAR- said:
So you find a mans anus more desirable than a vagina? That explains a lot. (lol)

And you concluded that how? Typical Barney.
Ur cartoon stated that only a redneck would say something like what Phil said in his interview, and your cartoon was obviously against the cast and their thoughts, so I'm holding u accountable for being against what he said.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
the media today only exists to report on tragedy, to diss people and to support the democrat intolerant party.  unpopular speech is no longer tolerated by the left.

tolerance is about tolerance

1898, when Elie Metchnikoff injected a guinea pig with its own and foreign guinea pig sperm, finding that an antibody was produced in response; however the antibody was inactive, pointing to a suppression response by the immune system. Further research, such as that by S. Mathur and J.M. Goust, demonstrated that non-preexisting antibodies were produced in humans in response to the sperm. These antibodies mistakenly recognized native T lymphocytes as foreign antigens, and consequently the T lymphyocytes would fall under attack by the body's B lymphocytes .

#2 has thinner lining than #1 making it more vulnerable.


The prostasomes in semen may play a complementary role to the prostaglandins in neutralizing the immune defences of the female reproductive tract. This combination would allow the alloantigenic spermatozoa the best chance of achieving fertilization, but at the same time leave the recipient open to any infection present in the semen.

these defenses are even more vulnerable in #2 as skin layers are thinner and more prone to tearing, thus exposing one to more risk, not to mention no matter who one is at the other end of the tube. if smoking is an increased risk, not sure why this wouldn't be and should be charged more under obama care, no matter the relationship.

i hate science.


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2010
Whether you agree with Phil or not I think you have to admire him. He stands up for what he believes in and won't back down. A&E in my opinion isn't worthy of Phil. I will bet if they try to get rid of Phil the rest of the family is GONE! Pretty intelligent A&E you just ran off the most popular show in America! (clapping)

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
Gargan said:
-XBAR- said:
So you find a mans anus more desirable than a vagina? That explains a lot. (lol)

Don't care what the guys said. BUT before people get all up in arms, he didn't have a problem signing a disclosure statement to be on a show to make big $$$$. If he wanted "free speech" he traded that when he signed up to be on TV.  He wouldn't be in Gentleman's QUarterly if it weren't for the show, so he wouldn't have the public forum for his views. If you don't want to be censored don't sign a contract for money censoring your views. That ...."ahhh shucks" attitude only goes so far when you are making paychecks those folks make.

And if he did WHO THE hell cares? I am so tired of people worrying about what goes on BEHIND CLOSED DOORS! When you meet someone you say hello I sell cattle and by the way I really enjoy vaginas? WHO cares???!!! BTW...i have seen mr xbar's other half in pictures. She is very attractive young lady! (thumbsup)

Gargan-Your statement shows immaturity as if someone who desires the same sex is some how beneath you or less than you? THis is a cattle website and I prefer to stick to cattle. What people's personal preferences are, are of no one else's concern unless you happen to be the one married to them or sleeping with them. So my advice to you Gargan, don't sleep with someone who prefers something you don't.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
Ohio breeder, its OK that xbar refers to people as rednecks and that they are beneath him? My whole point in ribbing him was to try to show him how he makes people feel on 80% of his posts.  He is constantly demeaning people on this site and im glad I made a few people feel the way he makes me and several other users feel with his smart remarks. So, there u have it Mr almighty moderator.


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2013
-XBAR- said:
So you find a mans anus more desirable than a vagina? That explains a lot. (lol)

Actually, what gargan quoted that is in bold print is what DD Phil said in the interview. 

DD Phil has the right to his opinion. Just like homosexuals have the right to say that they support the behavior of homosexuality.  If one can say it is "right", then someone can say it is "wrong".

A&E has the right to show whatever show they want, and to cancel whatever they want.  They also have the "right" to suffer the consequences if they do not show what people want to show.

Behind closed doors?  Not so much. If it was behind closed doors, I wouldn't know about "it". I do not see Brian Biotano, Billie Jean King, etc keeping it behind closed doors, because if they did, I wouldn't know one way or the other. Look at several other famous people who quietly go about their business and it isn't a big deal.

I think it was Bobby Jendale that said "The left is tolerant of every opinion as long as it agrees with them." (That might be a paraphrase, but it is darn close.)
