Thank you for all the nice comments and suggestions, I will definitely take them into consideration and I plan to publish it right away.
Coach: I made my website on Wix is really easy to use and you don't need a background in advertising to use it. This was a class project, but it was much easier for the students who planned to actually use their websites, because otherwise you don't put as much effort into it. It's hard to say how long it took me. We spent a lot of time in class on it and then I spent time on it after class as well. I also had a few friends and a few people in the industry look it over for me so I could make the appropriate changes.
The logo was made by a graphic designer, so I can't take the credit for that. I hope that there won't be too many ads once I publish it, but I do have the option to pay a small fee (I think it's as low at $9/month) and I think that would get rid of the ads. It's certainly not perfect, but being that my farm is very small right now and I don't have the money to hire someone to design me a professional website I'm pretty happy with it.