On Angus:
First and foremost is fertility and mothering ability and those are hard to directly measure with EPDs. Usually find out what kind of cow they will make after the first calf. Dingbats and heifers with lack of mothering instincts have to go to town if you are raising seedstock.
CED: +4 to +12 -- do not want too low of birthweight, but not afraid of some birthweight if the calves are shaped right, i.e. they are long and snakey when born. Heifers need to be able to calve to a +5 CED bull or they are not worth having around.
CEM: +5 or better
WW: Calves that are not retained need to wean off with some weight to them
YW: +90 is great, but really want to watch the YH and MH EPDs to make sure they are not too large framed of cattle. They need to grow, but also need to shut down frame growth and be fat at 1350-1400 lbs.
MH: <+.7 but >0.0
MW: >30 ---- want to watch frame size, but they need to be heavy
CW: >25 -- carcass weight needs to be following mature weight. If there is high MW and low CW, then the rest must be guts or waste somewhere in the mix when they go to the rail.
$W: >30 and preferably in the $40s and $50s
Then still have to watch SC, HP, RE and MARB.