what is the deal on blue roan calves

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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2012
openas_shorthorn said:
what is the deal on blue roan calves why do they sell high
Because they look awesome and most of them take full advantage of heterosis.


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Active member
Jun 10, 2012
I need a little more frame in Canada--- is the black colour in Simmental strong enough to consistently throw the blue-roan calves?? 


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2012
cedargrove said:
I need a little more frame in Canada--- is the black colour in Simmental strong enough to consistently throw the blue-roan calves?? 

If an animal is homozygous black, it's just as "black" as any Angus. The one thing SOME Simmental have in addition to the genes that determine color is a spot gene, and that determines color PATTERN. The black gene is dominant over red, and spotting is recessive, meaning both parents have to carry a spot gene, but neither has to BE spotted, to produce a spotted calf.

The white or roan genes from Shorthorn will cross with any black gene to make blue roan. The difference btwn Angus & Simmental is only seen if the Simmental carries a red or spot gene, then it gets interesting. And unpredictable!

The calf in my avatar is half Simmental, 1/4 Angus and 1/8 Shorthorn. His mother is the blue roan standing beside him, and his sire was a black, blaze faced Simmental, SVF/NJC Built Right.


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
While the blue roan trend is not one that everyone is chasing, there does seem to be more and more cattle producers thinking of trying it... at least in this area. We have had 3 visitors in the last 10 days all wanting to look at the bull calves, especially the white bull calves. Of course, this year we only have 2 white bulls. We have several red neck roan bulls and I find it interesting that some of these producers seem to think that the blue roan color only comes from using a white bull. It used to be that a white horned bull was a curse in the Shorthorn breed because he would have to be amazing to find someone who wanted to buy him. Right now, I find them fairly easy to sell. For the past 3 years I have not had enough white or light roan bulls to meet the demand. Of course, about the time a person gets more of them born, the trend will probably change!!


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2012
We have the same thing happening in the Simmental arena with the baldies and blazes. It's been a long time since a spotted bull was worth anything more than steer price, but I think we'll see the day when people finally realize it takes a spot gene to make a baldy. Baldy bulls make SOME baldy babies, but most bulls with a "perfect" blaze don't make a high percentage of baldy calves on solid colored cows. The trick is using a spotted bill on cows you know are not gonna throw spotted calves, so Simmental cows with spots a few generations back would make me nervous. But a black & white spotted bull on Angus cows?... That's a recipe for making a pretty calf crop!

Little blue roan heifer calves in that video are pretty, too, by the way...

There ain't nothing prettier than a field full of good cattle that all look alike! It doesn't matter what color they are if they're good.

mick rems

Well-known member
Mar 14, 2011
people especially those that are showing like eye appeal, which = flashy and colorful. and people are willing to spend more money on the color, even if the animal itself isnt excellent. smokes, chromed up, and blue roans, and the extremely spotted ones, sell for a lot of money. black ones were that way not too long ago, it was blacks winning, which they still do, but more and more of the colored ones are being picked again.


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2011
SD said:
Jeff_Schroeder said:
Because little girls getting their daddy to buy the pretty one is one of the most powerful forces on earth.

Ain't that the truth!

If a guy could get one to be pink or a swirl pattern, he'd be a millionaire!

Or one that was covered in bling LOL!