Belties R Us
Well-known member
We currently own a small herd and are going to be renting pasture where the owner has cattle. What information do you put on your ear tags? What has worked well for you etc? Thanks.
We use Ritchie tags, so they never fade. We do everything but the dam ID, since I know all our cattle by looking at them (the tags were for my husband, who does AM AI and can not tell them apart... after all most of them are all BLACK ). At the top of the tag is birth year and sire, then at the bottom is the animal ID (for us, they all have names and not numbers). On the back bottom side of the tag (that falls below the ear) we have our ranch prefix (FSSR), that way if any of them ever get loose the neighbors know who they belong to.KSUwildcat2009 said:In a perfect world I like birthdate, individual's ID, dam ID and sire ID, especially if you are going to be showing the calves to a lot of people. I know that's a lot to put on a tag but it does make it so all the information is right where you can see it. You also wouldn't have to retag until you can't read it because everything you need is on there.
knighthawk said:We like to put the Sire ID at the top of the tag. Written largest and in the middle of the tag is the calf ID. The way we do it is real simple. It is 4 digits long. The first number is the month they were born in. The next 2 numbers represent the number they were born that year. (if you run more than 99 cows, you could do the number they were born that month). The last number represents the year they were born. For example, tag '3568' would be the 56th calf born and would be born in March 2008. We also put the Dam's ID on the bottom. This system has worked out really well when we have people out looking at calves. Once they catch on to the way we tag, they can pretty well find out anything they need to know. We also like to tag our purebred angus with red tags and our club calves with yellow tags. To make it easier to tell from a distance, we also tag our heifers in the right ear and our bull/steer calves in the left ear.
I really like the idea of putting the herd prefix on the back. I will have to start doing that.