justme said:
TJ, I see your points and they are well argued, but I'm really guessing he's wanting to produce marketable show calves out of her. I really don't know if lowline crossed with her is going to market well with the market he's aiming for. I'd personally go a moderatly framed maine on her. Simmi wouldn't scare me either.
Please don't take offense.
I'm not offended & I actually agree with you.
I admit that 100% Angus steers wont win many big shows. And that will be the case regardless of whether you are talking 100% Angus, Red Angus, Lowline or any combonation of those 3 Angus breeds. Which is why I mentioned Irish Whiskey & Dr. Business (He raised him & it would be great if he could use that to his advantage & promote his own genetics!). Simmi would be a real good option too, but I would probably go with Maine.
With all that said, I can see big potential in selling bulls & females as "grassfed seedstock" in the near future out of that cow & a Lowline bull. And you could probably do well showing them at Lowline shows, if a person chose to do that. Your fuel bill would be the same, but your feed costs would be much cheaper!
Also, RSC mentioned that his option #3 was the possibility of using a Lowline bull. And the whole point of my post was in reply to kysteers post about the "wheelbarrow of money" out of 2nd generation calves from the daughters of this mating & I just don't know that is going to be a given in 2-5 years. Yes, you will get great cattle with the genetics that he mentioned! They will be extremely good! I would never argue with that! However, kysteer was referring to daughter & their 2nd generation calves making a wheel barrow of money and quite honestly, the whole "show steer thing" might be almost on it's death bed in 5 years, especially if corn keeps increasing, fuel keeps rising & the economy gets really sluggish. I hope not, but if things keep increasing in price, only the extremely wealthy will be able to afford to show steers. And I also am not trying to offend anyone by saying that... I really am not! I just think that $20+ bags of feed & $6+ fuel would likely slow down the show steer thing quite a bit & that might happen in only a year or 2. If it did happen, the law of supply & demand will mean cheaper calves or less calves sold... that's all I am saying. I hope not, but it very easily COULD happen.
And if you check out the F1 Lowline X Angus cow pictured on page 1 of this thread, you will see a cow that would make a great commercial cow, a good grassfed cow (she's proven that already) or she could be a real good "Clubby mother". Plus, she will cost less to maintain than a Maine or Simmi X. Honestly, Maine & Simmi would give you the better show steers, but as far as the daughters go, I'd probably argue a Lowline might be the better way to go! And if you bred those Lowline X Angus cows to a "Clubby", you would only have a 1/4 Lowline & 1/4 Angus, you'd really have something that would compete well.
Anyway, I just wanted to point all that out, especially when a Lowline bull had already been mentioned by RSC as an potential option.