CAB said:
What are PPL's thoughts on Mr. Amigo?
I like him well enough. He is a pretty typical Dream on son. He won Denver the year before Dominance did. (2009?) We just out second calf out of him. A stout 91 pound bull calf. We had a fall heifer born out of him last year. She started a bit slow, but has come on rather nicely. Lots of depth, nice profiling, decent not great width. Definitely missing some power.
As far as outcross bulls obviously there is Dominance, but semen is impossible to find not in a package. His sire Dominique has grown in popularity (he is up to $50 a straw). I really like the looks of Freedom and Red Bull 53T, however I have seen 0 offspring out of them.
As far as Dream On blood you have the option of Mr. Amigo, and the full brothers Red Label and Winchester. (Winchester's EPDs are much prettier that Red Label, but I have seen better Red Label calves.)