you really do need to get her TH Tested. I agree with a lot of the people on her that getting heifers fat is a major no no because they are hard to calve and usually don't milk well, that's why we usually stop showing our heifers in may ( breeding season). Nevertheless, all that's already been done and is hindsight now so you got to move on. I don't blame you for wanting to get a calf out of her. 44 inches is small though, real small IMO. her genetics doesn't have one calving ease thing in them so you need to pay attention to that. I think I read that your wanting a good colored steer or something of that sort. I think she already has the power you need for a steer, you need to look at what you want to change ( more depth, cleaner front, and frame) all while being calving ease because I think you could run into a train wreck in a hurry with her. I still like the Direct Whiskey on her. I know the guy who bred DW and I think his program would match up great on her. I-80 could work, although like people said theres a chance that he may not. You might consider an Angus bull on her like Eagle Eye or Big Softy or an old school angus we used a lot that actaully through really stylish calves, the old bull called Grizz. You could also put the Ringer or Jesse James ( not sure about the fronts and depth). We took a chance and bred our heifers this year to Maternally Yours a bull that I really love from his looks to his pedigree. he just isn't proven calving ease but I can let you know how they come by the end of feb, but remember a live black calf is worth more than a dead peach steer. With her color you always stand a chance of color. I would breed her to a calving ease or close to a calving ease bull until she proved she can have two calves without being pulled cut up or stitched up. JMO