what to breed my heifers too...

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
I have three heifers I am going to be breeding this spring, and I was wondering what everyone thought would be the best choice. I will give a list of what i was thinking and what they are and direction i was thinking of going.
1) Eye Candy x Full Flush heifer. born Sept 2011. I was thinking about either breeding her to DCC Hard Drive, Mercedz Benz, WMW, the new maine sire Summit or Total Soutlion. I am wanting something that might give her a little more belly and substance and won't tear her up at calving. (she is the socked heifer)
2) The Answer x SAF Bullseye (Focus of ER son) purebred angus heifer born april 2012. I'd like to breed her simmy. I was thinking JADE Upgrade, DJ Soultion, FAT BUTT, or Built Right. I want some more pwer and a better hair coat( i know gettting that in a simm angus package is hard). would prefer a good chance for a blaze face heifer. btw she is unclipped in pic
3) Monopoly x Sting Ray born feb 2012. This is my new and upcoming donor female. We wont flush her as a virgin but I am going to as a 2 year old. Just want something to maybe add a tick of belly and keep the power and maybe clean up the front end. I was thinking WMW, BENZ, TOTAL Soultion, or Hard Drive. But i dont know much about Hard Drives b.ws. she is the bald face heifer
let me know what you all think about what i should do


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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2012
I would suggest you giving some consideration to birth weight and calving ease EPDs, particularly on the Simmental bulls. The SimAngus is a nice cross, but I don't recommend just any bull you might like on a purebred Angus heifer.


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
I don't like I-80. I want show calves and where i am from, grandmasters would be hard to sell. Also, I do not believe in EPD's. How bout from the bulls I choose or maybe something else with maine in them. Especially with the upcoming donor, I don't think it is beneath this heifer to throw me a 3500 calf her first shot. As far as the angus goes, I am not interested in performance, i am interested in show calves. Besides Fat Butt, all the simmy bulls i picked should throw me a 80 pounder and under. There are a lot of people on my end of the country who breeds some of their heifers to Fat Butt also


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2009
Breathe Easy on all 3.  Will give you marketable calves wether they're heifers or steers. He's a mainetainer and you're not gonna tear up the heifers calving them.  Too many people try to have the first mating/calving be a home run calf and end up with a big mess of dead calf/torn up heifer or worse yet dead everything (good luck trying to sell that).


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
I would have to agree with ferkj. I dont know a lot about the bulls that are outside of the breed that I am in, but I would focus more on the calving ease sires for your heifers. There are a lot of calving ease sires out there that can produce a nice calf with plenty of growth and muscle. I personally would have an unassisted birth or light pull than breeding to a bull that could end up tearing up or killing a heifer. As far as Sizzler14 not using epd's, that is his/her perogative. I personally feel when making decisions on what I am mating my cows/heifers to, epd's can help a lot. I know my post probably didnt help a lot, it's just sad to see the posts on her about peoples cattle getting hurt because they used a bull that is intended to be used on bigger framed mature cows.



Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
Okay. I got time to think about it. But I think I am going to go with Total Soultion on the black and whites and Built Right on the angus heifer. Total Soultion was around for a long time and is a proven calving ease. If i was going to breed them to an angus I would just wait and breed them as 2 year olds. Made a lot of money off of Ali calves don't think he would click with them as good as I need so i think Total Soultion is the ticket. Using an angus bull would cost me $1000/calf and i classify them throw away calves. some arent but 98%are. Thanks for all your input. It was helpful


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2011
The only throw away calves are dead ones.IMO Good luck.


New member
Aug 8, 2011
I-80 is one of the hottest bulls on the market and he is only going to get hotter, everyone is going to have to breed their monopoly females to him if they want to sell one. And total solution will not get enough mass in your calves, nobody wants a total solution calf anymore, they will be very hard to market


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
I would go with Hard Drive or Benz and Salution. 

With all do respect I think that is what you wanted someone to tell you.  You seem very unopen to suggestions people are making you, and they are not crappy suggestions either. 


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2011
leanbeef said:
hamburgman said:
You seem very unopen to suggestions people are making you...

I wasn't gonna say that, but I was thinking it.

Ditto.  Not even sure why I am going to say anything, but here goes...
I have said it before a million times on here we love our Tiny Tim's.  He works very well on our cattle and he is definitely one that I wouldn't overlook.  He may not work as well on these females that don't have any growth in them. 


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
I was thinking Jesse James. I am not a fan of i-80 for the reason of I havent seen many that strike me as overall powerful. He does an excellent job of cleaning up front ends and they always have rib, but just not the type that i really like. I dont mind Tiny tim, reason i didnt suggest him or dirty hairy is i have an ali herd bull from elliotts so i was wanting a different bloodline then if they miss i would clean up with him. about being open tosuggestions, your right i am not open to suggestions about angus bulls.  i have had ninety pound calves from northern improvement and tp be honest, very few calves how the mass and bone from a angus. why breed to an angus and get a flat boned 1200 calf when you can breed to a proven maine like ali benz etc and get a 2500 calf at the same birth weight. as far as total soultion goes, like threy said, jesse james is hot and looks just fine. saw a bull at OBE named PULSE out of total soultion and a heifer that was awesome. my best cow is a total soultion. so i am okay with kicking it old school and breeding to him. i am open to suggestions within reason. I want a maine or a partial clubby and only a simmy for the angus heifer. no where did i stat a angus so i am not going to consider those options. too many people now a days consider a heifers calf (worthless, or a throw away, or lets just get a live one). How many wmw. ali, i-80 and  witch doctor calves won out of heifers compared to ones out of angus bulls? As far as the heifers having growth, the eye candy heifer is 1100 pounds now, and hasnt gotten more then 12 pounds a grain a day. the angus is an april and weighs 550 and the bald face heifer is an feb and weighs 725. think they got plenty of growth. Plus all there mommas are ground sows. So to sum this up, I am open to suggests on the bulls THAT I LISTED ABOVE which is what this post was supposed to be about. if you would like to suggest bulls like 1-80 or jesse james, that is fine and wonderful. certain bulls to get a "live calf" isnt. Thank You. If anyone would completely like to disgree more and talk about openess to replies, please PM me, I would love to take the opportunity to discuss this further in a private message or even a phone call ;D

WJ Farms

Well-known member
Jan 5, 2012
sizzler14 said:
I was thinking Jesse James. I am not a fan of i-80 for the reason of I haven't seen many that strike me as overall powerful. He does an excellent job of cleaning up front ends and they always have rib, but just not the type that i really like. I don't mind Tiny tim, reason i didnt suggest him or dirty hairy is i have an ali herd bull from elliotts so i was wanting a different bloodline then if they miss i would clean up with him. about being open tosuggestions, your right i am not open to suggestions about angus bulls.  i have had ninety pound calves from northern improvement and tp be honest, very few calves how the mass and bone from a angus. why breed to an angus and get a flat boned 1200 calf when you can breed to a proven maine like ali benz etc and get a 2500 calf at the same birth weight. as far as total soultion goes, like threy said, jesse james is hot and looks just fine. saw a bull at OBE named PULSE out of total soultion and a heifer that was awesome. my best cow is a total soultion. so i am okay with kicking it old school and breeding to him. i am open to suggestions within reason. I want a maine or a partial clubby and only a simmy for the angus heifer. no where did i stat a angus so i am not going to consider those options. too many people now a days consider a heifers calf (worthless, or a throw away, or lets just get a live one). How many wmw. ali, i-80 and  witch doctor calves won out of heifers compared to ones out of angus bulls? As far as the heifers having growth, the eye candy heifer is 1100 pounds now, and hasnt gotten more then 12 pounds a grain a day. the angus is an april and weighs 550 and the bald face heifer is an feb and weighs 725. think they got plenty of growth. Plus all there mommas are ground sows. So to sum this up, I am open to suggests on the bulls THAT I LISTED ABOVE which is what this post was supposed to be about. if you would like to suggest bulls like 1-80 or jesse james, that is fine and wonderful. certain bulls to get a "live calf" isnt. Thank You. If anyone would completely like to disgree more and talk about openess to replies, please PM me, I would love to take the opportunity to discuss this further in a private message or even a phone call ;D

Thats why these bulls are consider calving ease.........because they wont power them up and more than likely wont add bone....I-80 has been working on females such as Heat Waves..............which typically have more muscle and more bone and harder time calving. If you havent seen any good I-80 calves then you have not been looking in the right places and I am not saying go to all the big time guys and spend lots of money. Just look at all the online sales there are I-80's everywhere and will continue to be as long as he keeps producing semen. I do not know what you are trying to produce on the heifers first calve!! But trying to get a calf that is not what you would call a throw away. And being hardheaded and going with something that is not a proven low BW and killing your heifer and calf just seems to be pure ignorance. And it also seems like to me you just wanted to argue with somebody because most people on here dont care about getting a barn burner on a first calf heifer because they would like their heifers to have more than one calf!!! And most everything everybody has suggested you just shot them down. If you do not intend on listening to opinions then dont ask for them.