If she is very sound and correct I would go with Heat Wave or Sunseeker. Both will add bone (should). Monopoly probaly wont add as much bone, but definitely soften up the calf, add soundness, and put depth in the calf. Heat Wave or Sunseeker will add more thickness/wont take any away, where as I've seen a couple where monopoly toned down the rear quarter just a tick, but that was only on two calves out of god knows how many, all the others He kept the thickness of the cow or a added just a little. Saw a Monopoly on the Spring Smack Down Sale, who was the widest calf on the sale and his dam was no thicker than your average commercial cow. So in my opinion I'd go with Heat Wave or Sunseeker for the flush and breed back to Monopoly, that way your maximizing your genetic field, can see what works best in the shortest amount of time, and rebreed/flush that way next year and make the most money off your calf crop from the embryos. The reason I say breed to Monopoly and flush to Heat Wave is because the Monopolys' are smaller at birth and tend to calve easier, that way you dont have to worry about your donor maybe having that 140lb C-Section calf.