With her body and thickness from the picture she looks like a great candidate for Who ( the ol man himself). Hannibal would also work on her due to her depth of rib and body. From what I saw of the My Turn calves that wouldn't be a bad option but we don't know what his females are gonna do as he is new to the game. My Turn sure made them pretty. 3C Macho would also give you some excellent maternal females and wouldn't carry the expense of his father 734. After again looking at Collings catalog Carney Man for females as well. If you wanted to stay high percentage Angus- Northern Improvement , SS Traveler, or OCC Legend would all give you both marketable females and steer calves. She look like she has endless posibilities. I also wouldn't mind seeing what Sin City or Vegas would do on her, but I am a shorty person at heart. Nice old gal you got.