Well-known member
JbarL said:its the difference between a country being driven by capitalism ......and a county run over by it ...
both sides "extremes" offer nothing for the working folks...jbarl
capitalism offers starting your own business for the working folks. by working folks, i assume you mean those willing to work and strive to excel. for those not willing to work and not excel, no one should offer them anything. for those unable to work or restricted from excelling for whatever reason, capitalism has offered more to them than ANY OTHER SYSTEM BY FAR.
exactly what is it that working folks should offer? plenty has been offered and plenty refused.
we are not run over by capitalism. we are run over by subsidies, excessive taxes to pay for subsidies etc, tax breaks, welfare that hasn't changed poverty levels ever, etc etc. are you taking too much advantage of capitalism?
capitalism has NOTHING to do with subsidies and preferential treatment.