What would you do in this situation?

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New member
Jul 20, 2012
I've had a guy looking at my show heifer for the last 3 years. She is now what most would consider the best cow in my herd of 4 cows and has won a few national and a bunch of local championships. This cow is 3 years old and has given me 2 pretty good bulls that have been very competitive in the showring. Her dam who is deceased now, was the foundation cow of my herd. The guy who wants to buy my cow owns her dams full sister and has flushed her many times and sold many embryos and embryo calves. He told me that he would like to buy my cow and flush her in hopes of producing more really good bulls that will then be marketed to the states (we both live in Canada). This is appealing to me because I am a young, up and coming breeder and it would get my name out to more people. I know the guy knows how to produce good cattle because I have seen a lot of his animals.

The offer that he gave me is as follows: He pays $5000 for her. He pays to flush her two times and I get half the embryos from each flush with the guarantee of at least 6 embryos. If she won't flush I get my pick of $2500 worth of embryos from her dams full sister.

I asked him if I could retain ownership of the calf she is carrying right now (due in Feb.) but he said he couldn't make that deal. He did say that if I want he would flush her to that bull so I would still end up with calves out of him.

I like the offer, I just don't know if it would be in my best interest to sell my best cow. I'd have to buy recip cows to put the embryos into and of course pay to get the embryos put in. I do believe that the guy is pretty honest and would be good to work with. I guess I just don't want to pass up a good offer, but at the same time I don't know if it's a good idea to sell my best cow.  I don't have any experience with embryos or flushing, but I guess I'll have to learn sooner or later.

Any comments or advice would be appreciated. Thanks.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Possession is 9/10ths of the law.  Sell him flushes. The law doesn't do a good job protecting people's interests without posssion even if you paid 100% of the animal and partnerships are scary especially for someone who hasn't experienced the downside. Brand inspectors won't help you if there is unclear Un-lawyered made contracts. It will be difficult for someone to help you if it goes wrong. Start with something smaller and more in your favor if you have to but I wouldn't let him have her.

I wouldn't do it.


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2010
Mason City, Ne
I'd keep her. Why not calve her out a couple years, selling her calves while saving up to flush her yourself... She sounds like a female that could take you a long ways. IMO touch much could go wrong with the eggs you get, not worth the risk.


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2007
Rockville Indiana
I wouldn't  sell her .sell the flush  and work you herd up slowly.  Once she is gone she's gone. Money dose not sound enough to me ??   Do not get in a rush  or feel pressured . Other have more experience  than I but think  about it  she is still yours


New member
Jul 20, 2012
That's kind of what I was thinking, but at the same time I think it would be really awesome to see a bunch of calves out of her. Plus I could build my herd even faster by getting 2 or 3 ET calves every year. We both agreed that if the deal goes through there would be a written contract.

In 2009 I was offered $10 000 for her dam but I said no. The next year she came open and I ended up selling her at market for $1600. I know the chances of that happening again are slim but I`m scared to risk it.

Thanks for the comments, more are welcome.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
I agree with everyone else. Keep her. Sell him all the flushed you can while still getting a natural calf every year. Maybe he has some cool bulls to use in flushes you can't find or afford.


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2011
Manitoba, Canada
don't know much about the purebred business but what the other people said makes a lot of sense.  Good luck with your decision! And we would love to see a picture of the animal in question  (thumbsup)


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
The very best thing about your cow is that she is yours

If you do the deal you might get to build up your herd by 2 or 3 calves per year or you might bring Johne's to your herd  with the recips you will need to buy or you might end up with all bull calves

You might get your name out there (don't know what breed or what breed association rules for naming) or he might name all the flushes with his prefix -then you would be the guy who sold the dam to all these calves

If you want to grow your herd you can flush her and keep the eggs or sell half to the guy - eggs are a gamble -

The best thing about your cow is that you own her


New member
Jul 20, 2012
I really appreciate all the comments and advice. I have decided to keep my cow and I plan to sell the right to flush her after she calves in the spring. 

I have attached a picture of her last year before Agribition.


  • whiplash agribition.jpg
    whiplash agribition.jpg
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cowman 52

Well-known member
Jan 16, 2009
San Angelo Texas
If she is that good, a deal will come along that makes you happy,  her going down the road might just be the last thing you ever get out of her. 
Personal note, in nearly 50 years of cow trading, showing, feeding, you go back through the tickets that I never was able to collect on,  1 breed has 95 percent of them, care to guess???
She will look real good in your pasture.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Is she polled?  Her eyes look recessed nicely with a little pigment. Pheno is nice with flat bone and nice volume with nice flex in her Pasterns and pointing forward. Ever had her or her bull calves scanned?


Well-known member
Jul 1, 2011
Really clean fore udder. Looks like a sound and productive animal. Hang on to that gem!


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2011
Saskatchewan, Canada
It was me that started this post, just did it under a different name because I guess I thought it was kinda unprofessional to ask for this kind of advice on a public forum.

She is polled. Her 2011 bull is polled and her 2012 bull is horned (not what I wanted but I guess throwbacks happen). Last week at the World Hereford Conference her progeny were named National Reserve Champion Senior Horned Bull Calf and National Reserve Senior Polled Yearling Bull. It was a really exciting day for me. My yearling bull beat bulls that had beat me all last  summer and fall and all the breeders in my class have been breeding cattle longer than I have been born. Someone told me "the crowd cheered louder when you won your yearling bull class than they did when the champion bull was picked". It was just a really amazing day.

The yearling bull will be sold at the National Hereford Sale at Agribition and the horned calf is for sale private treaty. You can see more pictures of my cow and her bulls on my facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Barefoot-Polled-Herefords/130977730337906?ref=hl

Knabe: I'm not sure what you mean by have they been scanned.

Thanks for the compliments.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
I know you said you made your mind up but want to throw this out there.  Raise the price and see if he flinches. That's a beautiful young cow but as with her mother things happen and she could die tomorrow. Go to what price you could sell her for and see what happens. If you get embryos back on her that is just icing on the cake but walking away from money, wow I would have a hard time doing it. If you trust the guy I would try to haggle a bit more. Good luck.


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2010
Decatur Texas
I have to agree with everyone else, don't sell the cow, you don't have the factory you just have her. Sell flushes and leave it at that.


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
Definitely keep her, you should be able to market embryos out of her yourself.  Him saying he can't make a deal on the calf she is carrying and such is just a bs line.  If he really wanted the cow he would be willing to make those concessions to you.